This piece is something I did between the hours of 5am to 7am this morning. I was listening to Norwegian Death Metal and playing with my Photoshop. I eventually came up with this image. It's more of a concept image really. I Call it "Burning the Witches", although she's actually supposed to be hell already.
The is just a fantasy art piece and not to be taken seriously, so to my pagan, and wicken friends, don't take it to hart.
The is just a fantasy art piece and not to be taken seriously, so to my pagan, and wicken friends, don't take it to hart.


Great pic! I especially like the flames, but then again, I always like the flames! lol
love your pics dude.. you're a photoshop master
i have some unedited pics from an old shoot.. you think you could play around with 'em and make me look as amazing as your pictures?