Well im gonna start out with some bad news.....im smoking again. Let me explain how this happened before you all get upset at me. Lastnight I got a call from one of the few ex g/f's that I can stand being around and she asked could she come over, I hadn't seen her in about 4 years so I said "sure" and within about an hour she was sitting on my couch. Now she had her ciggarettes with her and to my surprise they were the same kind I smoked...she lite one up and after about 5 minutes of trying to hold back I gave in and asked her for one. Its soo hard for me to not smoke when im around people who smoke and just by her having the same ciggarettes as mine made it even worse. Plus Ive always though a girl who smokes is super fucking sexy. Sorry if I let any of you down but I just couldnt resist. Now the good news is that I have 2 girls interested in me. One lives in Virgina and the other is the ex g/f that came over lastnight. they both know about each other and they seem fine with that but it might change soon. Im kinda torn between which one I want to be with but im sure ill get this figuered out soon. Its just cool to have two girls that want me...thats never happened. I know that sounds horrible but oh well. Does anybody have any advice on what I should do?? Right now im thinking with my dick instead of my brain to be honest with yall.
As for what girl....go with your heart. I know it is difficult when your penis starts yelling "I want sex", dammit if you want the truth stop listening to it.
As for smoking! well that's hard if you can listen to the logic in your brain that says it is bad then you will not smoke again.
good luck