So I got home around five today and was able to stay awake until six.....which is where I proceeded to pass the fuck out until around 8. I've been soooo tired lately.I'm definitely not up to speed with that whole sleep thing. I thought I was going to be able to sleep in tomorrow....nope. I get to go in at 9 AM. Yay! Now someone shoot me.
I also thought that my next day off was tomorrow. WRONG AGAIN. It's thursday. Fun times.
Funny thing did happen today. This girl walks in and says hi and Kim and I say hi back. We then go back to talking about CDs and what to play. The girl a few minutes later pulls me to the side and asks me if she can see the manager. I'm all Yeah that's me. She proceeds to ask Which one of us (meaning of course me and Kim) made the smartass statement about her when she said hi. I'm all What?! I go I'm sorry if you misunderstood us but after we said hi we went right back into our conversation about CDs it had NOTHING to do with you. She goes from pissy to all smiles.....a total dr jerkyl mr hyde type thing. It was kinda scary. Fuck lady...paraniod much? No the world isn't out to great you. Geez...

I also thought that my next day off was tomorrow. WRONG AGAIN. It's thursday. Fun times.
Funny thing did happen today. This girl walks in and says hi and Kim and I say hi back. We then go back to talking about CDs and what to play. The girl a few minutes later pulls me to the side and asks me if she can see the manager. I'm all Yeah that's me. She proceeds to ask Which one of us (meaning of course me and Kim) made the smartass statement about her when she said hi. I'm all What?! I go I'm sorry if you misunderstood us but after we said hi we went right back into our conversation about CDs it had NOTHING to do with you. She goes from pissy to all smiles.....a total dr jerkyl mr hyde type thing. It was kinda scary. Fuck lady...paraniod much? No the world isn't out to great you. Geez...