I love psychotic girls. I cut you out of my life. DEAL WITH IT. I just don't feel like putting up with your obsessions anymore. Your celebirty obsessions.....or your obsession with me. I don't see why you have to stalk me and go to every single person that's has been in my past and try to get a pity party from them. What's between me and you is between us. You going to my ex and one of my exfriends for a pity party shows how fucking PATHETIC you are. Just leave me alone. Leave every aspect of my life alone. Get your own and live it....or get the psychological help you so depserately need.
You know...I laughed and played it off when people called her creepy and made comparisons between her and the chick from "Single White Female" but now I can see where they're coming from.....
You know...I laughed and played it off when people called her creepy and made comparisons between her and the chick from "Single White Female" but now I can see where they're coming from.....

AMEN. Added you back 
