So I had today off and it was everything I hoped it would be. I slept in watched some movies (which Ill comment on shortly) havent showered. Bliss. I truly love days like this.
Ive been into watching late 70s horror movies lately. And really, theyre not that scary. More along the lines of creepy and disturbed. The last two that my friends at Netflix have sent me were Last House on The Left and I Spit On Your Grave. Lets discuss.
Many of you know, Last House on The Left is going to be released in mid-March. The original was directed by Wes Craven (father of Freddy Krueger) and was his first film. This movie is not what were used when we think of Wes. Im not going to go into plot or storyline here, but its about revenge. Overall I liked it but Im looking forward to the new version. I think itll be much darker and overall better. Plus the song theyre using for the trailer (Sweet Child O Mine by Taken By Trees) is awesome. I hope Im right about the movie. Anyone else have thoughts on this?
The second movie, I Spit on Your Grave, is along the same lines. Basically, a woman is raped (several times and pretty graphically I might add) by four guys and then left for dead. She lives and goes on a killing spree knocking off the guys. Her revenge is fast and gruesome, especially if youre a guy. Overall, I liked it better because you could see her thinking through how she was going to get back at them. On another note, there is lots of gratuitous naked in this film too. Both the guys and the girl. I think seeing her big, furry, 70s bush was the most scary thing about the film
Ive been into watching late 70s horror movies lately. And really, theyre not that scary. More along the lines of creepy and disturbed. The last two that my friends at Netflix have sent me were Last House on The Left and I Spit On Your Grave. Lets discuss.
Many of you know, Last House on The Left is going to be released in mid-March. The original was directed by Wes Craven (father of Freddy Krueger) and was his first film. This movie is not what were used when we think of Wes. Im not going to go into plot or storyline here, but its about revenge. Overall I liked it but Im looking forward to the new version. I think itll be much darker and overall better. Plus the song theyre using for the trailer (Sweet Child O Mine by Taken By Trees) is awesome. I hope Im right about the movie. Anyone else have thoughts on this?
The second movie, I Spit on Your Grave, is along the same lines. Basically, a woman is raped (several times and pretty graphically I might add) by four guys and then left for dead. She lives and goes on a killing spree knocking off the guys. Her revenge is fast and gruesome, especially if youre a guy. Overall, I liked it better because you could see her thinking through how she was going to get back at them. On another note, there is lots of gratuitous naked in this film too. Both the guys and the girl. I think seeing her big, furry, 70s bush was the most scary thing about the film

Thats why i don't even take a cruise never. Cos if the boat would sink, i would be in the middle of ocean with,, again, all those fishes and everything what happens to live there in the water.