Yeah, so its Monday and the weekend Is over and for those of you who didnt win, theres always next weekend, unless your a really bad looser in which case your dead and I have no pity, anyhows, onward..
Found myself watching Bridget Jones diary part deux this weekend and it joins the ranks of films that ive fallen asleep in, now bringing the total to 2 (two, the other was from hell with our very own mr depp(I guess the tension was just too much))
Sorry I digress as usual... Damn that was a boring film, I swear nothing of any value happens during the entire film, It was like watching a documentry on the most bland person on earth!
But whats worse is its only the second blog post ive made to SG and both have been about chick flicks, what the fucks going on here?
Found myself watching Bridget Jones diary part deux this weekend and it joins the ranks of films that ive fallen asleep in, now bringing the total to 2 (two, the other was from hell with our very own mr depp(I guess the tension was just too much))
Sorry I digress as usual... Damn that was a boring film, I swear nothing of any value happens during the entire film, It was like watching a documentry on the most bland person on earth!
But whats worse is its only the second blog post ive made to SG and both have been about chick flicks, what the fucks going on here?