OK people! Anchorage is absolutely beautiful today (82 degrees and sunny) and I'm feeling good. Yesterday fucking sucked. I lost my house key and then Steve had a gun pointed in his face at work. For real. The dude was like, " Go back to yo cracka home!" So Steve came back to my cracker home and sulked and called his mommy. I would've done the same, people. His parents bought him a plane ticket home and he'll be back next Friday. So rejoice! PA will have their Hippy Steve back. Goob is right this minute on a plane flying north to see ME ME ME. She'll be here for 10 days and I really couldn't be more fucking excited. We're gonna rock the Arctic. We also hope to one day rock the Antarctic. Goob gets in tonight at midnight so hopefully we'll be able to hit a bar and play a little. It will still be light out when she gets here and you know you're all jealous. Anyway, I do really miss Philly and all the peeps I love, so keep me connected everybody. Missing everybody....
Love, Holly
Love, Holly
that crazy old dood gives me the creeps
, good thing i don't watch tv. Have fun!

you have no clue, i was doing so much of nothing that day that i was thinking of watching maurey in my head, replaying old episodes