I'm addicted to watching all those SG movies. I love Twwly--she's so cool! Some of them are kinda dumb but you gotta watch Lenore's video. Fucking awesome. Awsome awesome awesome.
In other news, I got to go hot-tubbing with jakbstrd last night at this place he's house-sitting for. We ate Thai food (although they forgot the duck --Fuckers!) and watched Jersey Girl which was pretty lame. Oh well.
I love how the volcano just keeps on exploding up here. The newspapers are tired of writing about it. They keep having headlines like 'Augustine erupts again. Yawn' and 'Augustine spews yet more ash. Who cares? Not us'
I inserted the yawns and who cares but it's kinda funny. Alaska is awesome. Although it is 8 degrees here. But, it was sunny as hell today and absolutely fucking beautiful.
School started yesterday and now I'm gonna be hella busy. And of course I'm Miss Popular only when I'm too busy to spread myself around. I did, however, tell my job that I'm going to be trying out one day a week for a while to see if I can survive on loans. Very little work is sounding fabulous right now.
And it's my BIRTHDAY on Saturday! Yay! Well, I don't know. 25? I want to stay young. I don't want to be the oldest person in my classes. I need to make a bee-line for grad school, hence the cutting hours so's I can take more classes and get good grades and get INTO grad school. I'm thinking I might try Hawaii for grad school if I don't feel like staying in AK. Honestly though, I love it here so much. Fucking amazing Alaska.
Here are a couple pictures from recently:

In other news, I got to go hot-tubbing with jakbstrd last night at this place he's house-sitting for. We ate Thai food (although they forgot the duck --Fuckers!) and watched Jersey Girl which was pretty lame. Oh well.
I love how the volcano just keeps on exploding up here. The newspapers are tired of writing about it. They keep having headlines like 'Augustine erupts again. Yawn' and 'Augustine spews yet more ash. Who cares? Not us'
I inserted the yawns and who cares but it's kinda funny. Alaska is awesome. Although it is 8 degrees here. But, it was sunny as hell today and absolutely fucking beautiful.
School started yesterday and now I'm gonna be hella busy. And of course I'm Miss Popular only when I'm too busy to spread myself around. I did, however, tell my job that I'm going to be trying out one day a week for a while to see if I can survive on loans. Very little work is sounding fabulous right now.
And it's my BIRTHDAY on Saturday! Yay! Well, I don't know. 25? I want to stay young. I don't want to be the oldest person in my classes. I need to make a bee-line for grad school, hence the cutting hours so's I can take more classes and get good grades and get INTO grad school. I'm thinking I might try Hawaii for grad school if I don't feel like staying in AK. Honestly though, I love it here so much. Fucking amazing Alaska.
Here are a couple pictures from recently:

Try to have fun, get liquored up and have a great time!