My car is frozen, meaning it will not start, it will not do anything. I'm having it towed tomorrow to a garage. So, today I had to take the bus. Luckily I can ride for free b/c I'm a student and honestly it was really fun. It's not far to the bus stop downtown and it drops me off about a block away from work. The only thing is Anchorage buses are only in service until about 9 PM so most times I wouldn't be able to take it home, which means I'd have to catch a ride and I don't want to be annoying like that. But anyway, I was listening to music and walking along and having a good time. These couple of guys walked by me and the one smiled at me and his smile was so....kind-looking I guess, like he could've been a priest or something and it made me very happy. I had a cheesy "I love people" moment. I also saw my old neigbor Tom from Spenard on the bus and we talked for a minute. He had a black eye and told me that he was jumped by a bunch of teenagers at a Brown Jug. Wine Liquor Beer. He also told me he dumped his wife and is now living at a shelter. Weird. He's definitely a fucked-up character but he's always so jovial and I admire that.
Friday night we had Taco night at Katrina's house and the girls played guys in Trivial Pursuit and we wrecked them
. I love Trivial Pursuit. It's pretty lame to play that on a Friday night but it was fun and tacos are good. Yesterday all of us at the house went "shopping" and then out for Thai food, and I love me some Thai food. So a VERY foody Thanksgiving weekend. I guess this whole walking to the bus stop will be good for me this week. Now I just gotta pray that I'll have enough money to make rent.
P.S.--My room is freezing all the time and oh how I wish I had a warm body to cuddle with.
I just copied this from RadioFrank's journal. I love these things when I'm busy insomniac-ing.
[A is for age:] - 24,almost 25
[B is for booze of choice:] - Probably Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey
[C is for career:] - student of science/photogrpaher
[D is for your dad's name:] - William
[E is for essential items to bring to a party:] - My jew's harp
[F is for favorite song at the moment:] - "Banquet" on Bloc Party's Silent Alarm album
[G is for favorite game:] - Trivial Pursuit (duh)
[H is for hometown:] - Phillay
[I is for instruments you play:] - Harmonica, jew's harp (ha ha), and I can still play the sax and the clarinet
[J is for jam or jelly you like:] - raspberry or blackberry.
[K is for kids?] - Nope.
[L is for last kiss:] - This guy last week who was from New York but fakes a Jamaican accent and I totally called him on it. It was just a peck.
[M is for mom's name:] - Bonnie
[N is for name of your crush ] - My boss still. (Thomas)
[O is for overnight hospital stays] - Got my stomach pumped a couple times as a kid.
[P is for phobias:] - not going there.
[Q is for quotes you like] - I just like quoting my friends the day after some heavy drinking.
[R is for relationship that meant the most ] - Adam for boyfriend and Goob for friend.
[S is for snacks you like:] - Gummy stuff.
[T is for time you wake up] - Varies a little too greatly
[U is for underwear:] - bikini cut I guess. I think they're purple right now.
[V is for vegetable you love:] - How about vegetable I HATE--bell peppers
[W is for weekend plans:] - Trying very hard to make something happen. But mostly work and laundry and a couple of walks to take pictures of the beautiful snowy stuff.
[X is for x-rays you've had:] - arm and teeth.
[Y is for yummy food you make:] - coconut rice with cashews and raisins
[Z is for zodiac sign:] - aquarius
Friday night we had Taco night at Katrina's house and the girls played guys in Trivial Pursuit and we wrecked them

P.S.--My room is freezing all the time and oh how I wish I had a warm body to cuddle with.

I just copied this from RadioFrank's journal. I love these things when I'm busy insomniac-ing.
[A is for age:] - 24,almost 25
[B is for booze of choice:] - Probably Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey
[C is for career:] - student of science/photogrpaher
[D is for your dad's name:] - William
[E is for essential items to bring to a party:] - My jew's harp
[F is for favorite song at the moment:] - "Banquet" on Bloc Party's Silent Alarm album
[G is for favorite game:] - Trivial Pursuit (duh)
[H is for hometown:] - Phillay
[I is for instruments you play:] - Harmonica, jew's harp (ha ha), and I can still play the sax and the clarinet
[J is for jam or jelly you like:] - raspberry or blackberry.
[K is for kids?] - Nope.
[L is for last kiss:] - This guy last week who was from New York but fakes a Jamaican accent and I totally called him on it. It was just a peck.
[M is for mom's name:] - Bonnie
[N is for name of your crush ] - My boss still. (Thomas)
[O is for overnight hospital stays] - Got my stomach pumped a couple times as a kid.
[P is for phobias:] - not going there.
[Q is for quotes you like] - I just like quoting my friends the day after some heavy drinking.
[R is for relationship that meant the most ] - Adam for boyfriend and Goob for friend.
[S is for snacks you like:] - Gummy stuff.
[T is for time you wake up] - Varies a little too greatly
[U is for underwear:] - bikini cut I guess. I think they're purple right now.
[V is for vegetable you love:] - How about vegetable I HATE--bell peppers
[W is for weekend plans:] - Trying very hard to make something happen. But mostly work and laundry and a couple of walks to take pictures of the beautiful snowy stuff.
[X is for x-rays you've had:] - arm and teeth.
[Y is for yummy food you make:] - coconut rice with cashews and raisins
[Z is for zodiac sign:] - aquarius
check out southernbelle's tattoo:

looks like Goob's flaming olive!!!