The road is Fuckin' tough, the road is Fuckin' long........
The Redwings are on an awefull road trip right now and are getting their asses handed to them!!! They are 0-3 so far throught Cali and will be here in Denver on Tuesday. I am going to the game with a friend of mine who is an Avalanche fan. The Wings need to win or I am going to be hearing shit from everyone I work with and then some.
Other than that shits the same, my hours at work suck and I never get to hang out and do stuff with people who work normal hours. There is way too much snow here it makes getting around town a pain in the ass!!!!
Guess thats all for now!!
Peace Bitches!!!!
The Redwings are on an awefull road trip right now and are getting their asses handed to them!!! They are 0-3 so far throught Cali and will be here in Denver on Tuesday. I am going to the game with a friend of mine who is an Avalanche fan. The Wings need to win or I am going to be hearing shit from everyone I work with and then some.
Other than that shits the same, my hours at work suck and I never get to hang out and do stuff with people who work normal hours. There is way too much snow here it makes getting around town a pain in the ass!!!!
Guess thats all for now!!
Peace Bitches!!!!