Im on a deathwatch right now waiting for the phone call that will tell me my brother-in-law has died. This is all pretty surreal. If you dont think skin cancer can kill you, guess again. A doctor told him the lump on his neck was nothing and not to worry about. The cancer is now all over his body and in his brain. He can no longer speak and can barely remember his family. The tumors in his face have grown so large they are starting to break open and drain. Its a terrible, terrible way to die. All of this might have been prevented by wearing sunblock more often when he was younger
I wish I could go the LA Burlesque show tonight, but thats not in the cards. Id love to meet some of the girls in person and give then a chance to meet the guy theyve been threatening with restraining orders. Thank goodness no one can shoot pepper spray over the Internet.
If you havent done it yet, you should visit this website: Bush In 30 Seconds
These are the finalists for a 30 second commercial that Move On is going to pay to air about the many ways GW has betrayed all us during the last 3 years. The RNC is so terrified of these ads that they've already started to run a smear campaign against Move On. They have also started their own ripoff of Move On called Move Right.
They are also running contests for Funniest Ad, Best Youth Ad, and Best Animation. These ads are at the following link: More Bush Ads
I wish I could go the LA Burlesque show tonight, but thats not in the cards. Id love to meet some of the girls in person and give then a chance to meet the guy theyve been threatening with restraining orders. Thank goodness no one can shoot pepper spray over the Internet.
If you havent done it yet, you should visit this website: Bush In 30 Seconds
These are the finalists for a 30 second commercial that Move On is going to pay to air about the many ways GW has betrayed all us during the last 3 years. The RNC is so terrified of these ads that they've already started to run a smear campaign against Move On. They have also started their own ripoff of Move On called Move Right.
They are also running contests for Funniest Ad, Best Youth Ad, and Best Animation. These ads are at the following link: More Bush Ads
thank you. and sorry to hear about your brother in law, stay strong for him and I wish you comfort.
Well dude, normally I'd say something devoid of meaning and full of hilarity, but I think I'll just tell you I'm sorry for your hard times. I know how you feel.