World's largest four sided clock, dude. And I'm not so sure about Gary Coleman as your choice, but I'm sure he'd jump at the chance.

you may have deserved the booger comment for broadcasting her nipple information. i probably would have said something worse to you. wink
I think the third movie was really "Big Gay Butt Bumpers 5," but I have been known to make mistakes.. from time to time...

Sorry about those boy boogers... You really got to watch out for those.
thank you for keeping me straight on the male species. i forget sometimes that as wonderful as he is, and as thoughtful as he is, and all those things i'm just not used to in a boy, he's still a boy, after all.
so thank you. kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
(this is me feeling generous after having the best fuckin sex ever in my life eeek eeek eeek )
i'd want scarlett johannson to play me for no other reason than i think she is too hot for words. how would the character be different from me? uh, i can't think that hard today. i'll get back to you on that. sorry Against the Ropes was a bust. guess i'll put that one on the "renter only" list.
I just bought Rollins Band cd -- life time.
Henry fucking rules!

I'm also game for cheap thrills, so I went to a place today that does electro-muscle stimulation. They put pads all over your body and little electric shocks stimulate your muscles. The shocks make your muscles contract and release. It's really a hoot. I guess it's like passive exercise, you can just lie...
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thanks evil. you always know the right thing to say to me. that's what i thought too, but the fact that he didn't even think long enough before he just blurted that out to even consider what he was saying, much less the whole thing you wrote about....... well, either that means that he meant it and is an asshole, or he didn't really mean it that way and he just doesn't think enough of me or my feelings to stop and think about what he's gonna say to me before he says it.
either way, he's seriously in the dog house with me. and i don't know how he can make it better.
much love to ya. kiss
I wish people didn't think he was the Machiavelli of our day and age... His music is good, my fav rollins band album, (I guess the only one I accutally own, on cassette no less!!!) is Do It their first effort. I guess "Next Time" really speaks to me, as a lowdown bum.

As far as Black Flag goes, again, I'm gonna have to cite the first album, Dammage, though NOT written by Rollins, he gave it a fierce impact that has made it a classic to this day. "Depression" being one of my favourite, juvenile pleasurers, my finger in the air, to life.

His poetry is...... well.... shouldn't have been published. But when you own the printing press, it's your ball.

All and all I like Rollins a lot, but he isn't my Messiah, they way he is for some, he's not the voice of my generation.

Who is? Maybe Jerry Stahl. Maybe Kate Northrop.

certainly of any decade, Louise Bogan, John Giorno, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Anne Sexton, Vachel Lindsay, Edward Thomas, Marina Tsetvataeva, Paul Celan, Octavio Paz, Pablo Neruda, Sylvia Plath, and the list goes on....

Love ya 'doc, you're one of the best things about this place.
My body is behaving weirdly. It's responded to food like it's some kind of fuel source, as opposed to something you eat because it tastes good.

When I eat the wrong stuff, or over eat, I'm useless. I can't function. I can't get any work done and just feel out of it.

I'm starting to feel optimistic that we can actually get rid of George...
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thanks for the advice. i might do the things you suggested were i working in a corporate setting. this is a small 20 people business. no HR person and no supervisor to transfer to. oh well, it bugs me but i'm not losing sleep over it.

i hope you're right about getting rid of GDubya. i just keep wondering what they are going to pull out of their sleeves closer to election time. mad
you knew i am the baby in the barn. when the cow gives blood we must all eat all beautiful women. I'm listening to Wire's Map Ref 410n 930w, as done by Kevin Shields.... and what do I care.... Van Gogh's ear was just meat when it was cut. Now it is monument. We must kill them, pig by pig, cow by cow, village by village, army by army. They lie, and we must forgive those who lie, those Nabobs, I hate them. I do hate them.
My brain hurts.

I have one big project done. I have another in the oven. I also have some big revisions due.

I have to stop working like I'm a student, waiting until the last minute and doing this all nighter crap. I need to manage my life better. And then there's the strange things that I have on the TV to keep me company...
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mmmmm...hummus oink

Your profile pic is fuckin' rad. biggrin
thanks... it will be nice to work (hope hope hope) for a company that actually has more employee's than just 'me'.

I have often thought that with any luck I could have been born a werewolf, because the two middle fingers on both my hands are the same length, but I have had to be consent with what I had. <---

[Edited on Feb 18, 2004 10:25PM]
Valentines day is tomorrow. A lot of people say its a fake holiday or a "Hallmark" holiday. They just don't get it.

There's actually a couple of different St Valentines. The first one was arrested, beaten to death with clubs, and then beheaded. The second St. Valentine was whipped and decapitated. Based on these two examples, you could argue that this holiday is just about...
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well shucks darn.. blush blush.. thanks for the fruit.

British Engineers.. um.. yeah I'd imagine they'd have NO sense of humour. Much like the rest of this country..

not that I'm complaining.. yes I am.. I wanna go home. Wah!

right now on to more pressing things.. I continue to insult, but not directly, Stockula's views...

and I'm off.
great info on Valentine's Day... I never much cared for it anyway.
Okay, so not many people thought it was funny that I compared the Dog Show on TV to the Miss America Pagent and suggested Miss America finalists should all be "Best in Breed" winners. sigh.

I think that's as least as funny as saying the only problem with Chinese hookers is that you're horny again an hour later.

This morning I was in LA and...
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amen, brother.
hmm...in retrospect i should have tried the double espressos...the day may have been more bearable.

oh, and i laughed so hard at the line about the street person. that's awesome. i hope you gave him some money for the laugh.
You're to funny Evil. That's all i have to say right now that and god I need sleep. Later cutie!

Thank You and I sadly don't think any monkeys will be ripping off my clothes anytime soon. haha

So I went to see Monster last night, and all I can say is if Charlize Theron doesn't win the Academy Award for Best Actress, there's something very, very wrong. She also blows away all of my stereotypes about the ultraglamourous fashion model actresses being just talentless eye candy. She's like a female Robert DeNiro. The transformation she makes to do this movie is just...
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I reaaallllly want to go see that movie. I opted to see the Butterfly Effect instead, mistake. I really didn't like it. I thought it was a Donnie Darko copy.
It's great your getting in shape! Actually.. it's totally SUPER! I think I see isetfires in there too! Sweat it up you big studs!