long ps3/sony rant its here because it is
sony faked it all, the success was all from 3rd party, eyetoy and HDD sony made sucked, all REALLY great games came from 3rd party got lucky pleople in that generation of counsoles were brought down by the suckiness of the p2 and got used to it p1 good p2 good, no excuse? idiots?
been a while, watching speed never really saw the end of this movie till now didnt know anything happened after the bus stoped, who knew. glad to be back lots of new girls, cant wait to see them all and the #1 reason im back, wallpapers yeah im serious.
11:04pm EST
alright this site is pissing me off i lost anouther update already and i just signed up not more then 30mins ago stupid, grrrr as i think i was saying i cant find the wallpapers its scaring me when i say i signed up for the wallpapers I REALLY DID MEAN IT... =/
long ps3/sony rant its here because it is
sony faked it all, the success was all from 3rd party, eyetoy and HDD sony made sucked, all REALLY great games came from 3rd party got lucky pleople in that generation of counsoles were brought down by the suckiness of the p2 and got used to it p1 good p2 good, no excuse? idiots?
been a while, watching speed never really saw the end of this movie till now didnt know anything happened after the bus stoped, who knew. glad to be back lots of new girls, cant wait to see them all and the #1 reason im back, wallpapers yeah im serious.
11:04pm EST
alright this site is pissing me off i lost anouther update already and i just signed up not more then 30mins ago stupid, grrrr as i think i was saying i cant find the wallpapers its scaring me when i say i signed up for the wallpapers I REALLY DID MEAN IT... =/