Soooo... I just recently got back from a suprise trip to Chico, California... the suprise was that I quit my first job at FedEx Kinko's salt mine, and my bestest best friend was going into the army...
and into the army he went...
we had fun... driving too fast and all that stuff... falling down canyons, meeting totaly nerdy other people... (found out that I already had a reputation with his friends...)
That was all good fun and stuff... and then I had to drive back.
The trip down was not really all that eventfull...
The trip back felt that some unholy force did not want me to return home...
Started out fine... then I got a little tired. Pulled off to a 7-11. got some energy pills that didn't work. As I was leaving, just getting back on the freeway, I noticed that the dash lights went out. I thought "Oh, no big deal. I'll just pull off and get a flash light...".... and so I did. Flashlight in hand, I'm just leaving Weed and then the sleepies hit hard. 2 hours later in a rest stop... ZZzzZZzzZZzz.... (by the way, if you didn't notice, I'm really bad at telling stories), wake up... start going again... and just as I get to Kalamath Falls, the speed-o-meter thingy-majig stops working... sooooo I'm thinkin "Okay... whatever... I'll just stick behind someone else..." and so I do. And then the great powers that be say somthing to the effect of "oh yeah? Fuck off!" and I'm now in the middle of a snow storm... (more just the snow and less the storm...) so now my thoughts go into paranoid mode and I start going "dash lights, machine malfunction, snow storm... hmmmm... HA! YOUR PATHETIC ATTEMPTS TO STOP ME FROM REACHING MY GOAL HAS, and will, FAIL MISERABLY!!!"
So of course the demon standing in my way says "not affraid of a little snow? hows about some fog with it? MUWAHAHAHA!"... alright.... now fog... So apperently the fog is just thick enouph to where the truck driver that I'm following can't see... as was evidence to me when he hit the guard railling... on his left side... on a two-way street... hmmmmmm... >>FAST FORWARD>>> &*#N%$^UE )^K^NONEON^&)
>PLAY> So we, the truck driver and I, are going through some forested area. He's been kicking up the freshly fallen snow up in my face, just to the point where I can only see his tail lights... my guiding star. We come around this corner, and, because I'm following him, I kinda panic when I see him slide a little into the shoulder. and moments later I do the same... but no big deal! we both get going again and >>FAST FORWARD>>> !@$&*($^IUKHDXR%&E(OE*O E%U $^WUN I%&II&EW%$W#$^YN %W^U
>PLAY> 5 miles away from Bend and there is another truck pulling up behind me... "well at least he won't try and- AHHH!!!" the guy driving the truck behind me has rockets and chains of doom or something because after no more than two minutes of being behind us, he slams on his gas, flies by the both uf us, and kicks up a cloud of fresh snow so thick that I accualy stop the car and wait for my vision to return...
VICTORY!!!(dadadada daa daa da dada)
And that is my novel!
P.S. if you read the whole thing... then I

and into the army he went...

we had fun... driving too fast and all that stuff... falling down canyons, meeting totaly nerdy other people... (found out that I already had a reputation with his friends...)
That was all good fun and stuff... and then I had to drive back.

The trip down was not really all that eventfull...
The trip back felt that some unholy force did not want me to return home...

Started out fine... then I got a little tired. Pulled off to a 7-11. got some energy pills that didn't work. As I was leaving, just getting back on the freeway, I noticed that the dash lights went out. I thought "Oh, no big deal. I'll just pull off and get a flash light...".... and so I did. Flashlight in hand, I'm just leaving Weed and then the sleepies hit hard. 2 hours later in a rest stop... ZZzzZZzzZZzz.... (by the way, if you didn't notice, I'm really bad at telling stories), wake up... start going again... and just as I get to Kalamath Falls, the speed-o-meter thingy-majig stops working... sooooo I'm thinkin "Okay... whatever... I'll just stick behind someone else..." and so I do. And then the great powers that be say somthing to the effect of "oh yeah? Fuck off!" and I'm now in the middle of a snow storm... (more just the snow and less the storm...) so now my thoughts go into paranoid mode and I start going "dash lights, machine malfunction, snow storm... hmmmm... HA! YOUR PATHETIC ATTEMPTS TO STOP ME FROM REACHING MY GOAL HAS, and will, FAIL MISERABLY!!!"
So of course the demon standing in my way says "not affraid of a little snow? hows about some fog with it? MUWAHAHAHA!"... alright.... now fog... So apperently the fog is just thick enouph to where the truck driver that I'm following can't see... as was evidence to me when he hit the guard railling... on his left side... on a two-way street... hmmmmmm... >>FAST FORWARD>>> &*#N%$^UE )^K^NONEON^&)
>PLAY> So we, the truck driver and I, are going through some forested area. He's been kicking up the freshly fallen snow up in my face, just to the point where I can only see his tail lights... my guiding star. We come around this corner, and, because I'm following him, I kinda panic when I see him slide a little into the shoulder. and moments later I do the same... but no big deal! we both get going again and >>FAST FORWARD>>> !@$&*($^IUKHDXR%&E(OE*O E%U $^WUN I%&II&EW%$W#$^YN %W^U
>PLAY> 5 miles away from Bend and there is another truck pulling up behind me... "well at least he won't try and- AHHH!!!" the guy driving the truck behind me has rockets and chains of doom or something because after no more than two minutes of being behind us, he slams on his gas, flies by the both uf us, and kicks up a cloud of fresh snow so thick that I accualy stop the car and wait for my vision to return...
VICTORY!!!(dadadada daa daa da dada)
And that is my novel!

P.S. if you read the whole thing... then I

I read the whole thing. Driving in fog is the worst.