I better indulge you all with what I thought about Watchmen seeing as I was a little excited yesterday about it's release. Don't worry, no spoilers but still I do think you should read the comic first but not a necessity. First, holy-fitting-fucking-christ it's totally awesome. Secondly, no the comic is way better but what do you expect, I think it is as good as could physically done. The actors were right on the money in portraying they're characters, the directing and editing was perfect, each scene not too long or too short but just right and detail, detail, detail in every shot like a work of fucking art. So whats bad about the film? The only thing bad is that it can never match the comic, there's just way too much detail and character development to fit into a movie, especially when its already pushing the 3 hour mark! I did hear that the director's cut - coming june/july - will have additional and extended scenes that were missed but in terms of the plot and story, its all there baby. If you haven't read the comic know that the ending is different - stupid 911 crap - but the gist is the same and that's what matters.
All I can say is go see this movie, I put it close to The Dark Knight. It's gory, brutal, sadistic, demented, psychotic and all the other little things we all like to see in a flick. This was my opening highlight for the year and it's met all my expectations, don't know if the rest of the films this year will meet the grade now.
All I can say is go see this movie, I put it close to The Dark Knight. It's gory, brutal, sadistic, demented, psychotic and all the other little things we all like to see in a flick. This was my opening highlight for the year and it's met all my expectations, don't know if the rest of the films this year will meet the grade now.
no cookies anymore! 

Wow cool well I will so have to then!!