I am alive. It feels like the world has been spinning and I feel off it a couple months ago. I still don't have internet at my new house which is still all kinds of suckage. Hopefully next week the gracious lord of the intertubes will bestow onto my household and net shall breathe life back in. Apart from that ordeal not much is new. I actually started reading and writing a book (on my iphone because pens don't seem to function for me anymore) and every so often I go back down to the coast and see a friend or two. I'm at peace where I am which is good, I goto work via train listening to music, observing the neighboring commuters and writing. So thats the spiel about my life of late. I shall return as soon as my net is back up. Until then my fellow sg-ites.
here i was thinking you had fallen off the face of the earth!

haha. aw thanks, hurry on and get the internet! i promise not to disappoint