so this weekend was pretty good. I love bucks parties and this one was the biggest yet. This weekend had a tandum bucks weekend which was filled with fun, excitement, passion and triumph. It started when I finished work on friday to get home get ready and go out to the hotel room. That night consisted of poker and titties and that was a good mix. Nothing like having cards in one hand and a topless waitress pass you a beer in the other. Later on the night we had "The Show" which was quite funny as the 2 bucks were tortured and abused and witnessed by a horde of drunken on-lookers. After that we packed our bags and headed out to the casbah where money was jumping from our pockets and landing on the tables, the sad thing though was no money was jumping back into my pockets that night
I ended up crashing at my mate's house at about 4am.
The next morning the guys went on a brewery tour while I slept in, I was extremely tired. After that we ended up going golfing on 18 holes and that was a lot of fun. Never don't professional golfing but was a good experience, I quickly discovered I sucked majorly but with the help of the "Happy Gilmore" technique I was able to hit the ball quite effectively, it was just the short range and putting I then sucked at which not even Chubbs could help me. I'd never been on a golf buddy either so it was fun to drift and do donuts with it, I thought we would have been kicked out but didn't get a single mention.
After that we headed back to the hotel to be greeted by a topless waitress followed by another "Show" only this time I ended up being showered with lube by the girls. Luckily I borrowed my mates spare tshirt to wear while we walked back to his house otherwise it would be quite embarassing to walk through the middle of Surfers Paradise in a tshirt covered in lube. We got home and ended up staying there chatting with myself, my mate and his wife.
On sunday I got up, went to mum's for a late brekky and to get a suitcase for my trip to melbourne this week. I had to go shopping for new shoes as on one the heel broke and was digging into my heel all weekend, drawing blood and I wasn't home to get a new set. Painful indeed. I then got home and working on a workmate's wedding video for a bit until I was over it and wanted to lie down.
So tomorrow I'm heading to melbourne until sunday for a holiday, I can't wait. Its officially my first holiday I have actually taken time off work to go to, sad I know. Theres no plans on what me and my mates will do there but we'll make a mess regardless. Watch out here we come!

The next morning the guys went on a brewery tour while I slept in, I was extremely tired. After that we ended up going golfing on 18 holes and that was a lot of fun. Never don't professional golfing but was a good experience, I quickly discovered I sucked majorly but with the help of the "Happy Gilmore" technique I was able to hit the ball quite effectively, it was just the short range and putting I then sucked at which not even Chubbs could help me. I'd never been on a golf buddy either so it was fun to drift and do donuts with it, I thought we would have been kicked out but didn't get a single mention.
After that we headed back to the hotel to be greeted by a topless waitress followed by another "Show" only this time I ended up being showered with lube by the girls. Luckily I borrowed my mates spare tshirt to wear while we walked back to his house otherwise it would be quite embarassing to walk through the middle of Surfers Paradise in a tshirt covered in lube. We got home and ended up staying there chatting with myself, my mate and his wife.
On sunday I got up, went to mum's for a late brekky and to get a suitcase for my trip to melbourne this week. I had to go shopping for new shoes as on one the heel broke and was digging into my heel all weekend, drawing blood and I wasn't home to get a new set. Painful indeed. I then got home and working on a workmate's wedding video for a bit until I was over it and wanted to lie down.
So tomorrow I'm heading to melbourne until sunday for a holiday, I can't wait. Its officially my first holiday I have actually taken time off work to go to, sad I know. Theres no plans on what me and my mates will do there but we'll make a mess regardless. Watch out here we come!
Thanks for the awesome set comment! I'm glad you liked it!