i may have mentioned this before, but since my web access is so limited, i hardly ever spend any time on suicide girls anymore. it's funny, because i used to feel like i spent too much time here. it felst like cumpulsive tv watching. now i spend so little time on the website that i sort of begin to feel that it isn't worth the cash i'm spending.
this may all change, though, as i get ready to leave LA again for three months. only this time, it's more like the tour i thought i was going on when adam asked me to go out with tool. i'm going to go to erope for three months with a production of porgy and bess. i'll be in berlin, amsterdam, and munich for a month each. it's so exciting, because i have enough time to actually soak up some of each city and see what's going on. i feel like i'll be able to say i lived there, y'know?
aside from that, i feel like it's a good opportunity for me to break out of a routine that i've fallen into over the last few months. it might be a little hard for me to put into words. for almost two months, i have been devoting so much time to working on dave's warehouse that i haven't really done anything to get myself closer to accomplishing my goals. it's really hard for me to turn down a friend in need. especially when i know that i'd have to spend some time not doing anything productive, just thinking of new ways to approach the problem of getting work as a set designer. this gives me an excuse to break out of the work that i'm doing with dave with no hurt feelings. it's ideal.
this may all change, though, as i get ready to leave LA again for three months. only this time, it's more like the tour i thought i was going on when adam asked me to go out with tool. i'm going to go to erope for three months with a production of porgy and bess. i'll be in berlin, amsterdam, and munich for a month each. it's so exciting, because i have enough time to actually soak up some of each city and see what's going on. i feel like i'll be able to say i lived there, y'know?
aside from that, i feel like it's a good opportunity for me to break out of a routine that i've fallen into over the last few months. it might be a little hard for me to put into words. for almost two months, i have been devoting so much time to working on dave's warehouse that i haven't really done anything to get myself closer to accomplishing my goals. it's really hard for me to turn down a friend in need. especially when i know that i'd have to spend some time not doing anything productive, just thinking of new ways to approach the problem of getting work as a set designer. this gives me an excuse to break out of the work that i'm doing with dave with no hurt feelings. it's ideal.