today has been my filthiest day in a very long time. i came home from work covered in glue and sawdust. it's hard to open my eyes again when i blink. man, am i fed up with that place.

the day after tomorrow i leave for vegas. this is what i have to look forward to: working 16 stressful hours for 4 or 5 days,...
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yeh, i'm a night owl...i have problems with sleeping when i want to..i guess i think too much *shrugs*
Well good luck my friend. Be positive, people around you will feel it and they will want to be around you...it works!
let's talk about how great it is to work the night shift: you have time to do stuff during business hours. you can rock out. there are fewer assholes to hassle you. you can sleep late. the hours are shorter.

now if only i could get a day off...
i havent had a job in a year now. im such a loser.
find that apartment then let me come live with you. heh tongue must..get out of..ohio
today i called some dude about looking at an apartment and he said that they were having an open house tomorrow at 3. i told him that i was working, and that i would be working for at least another week straight, and he said, then when were you expecting to look at the apartment, and i said, "in the evening." and he made me...
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boo. frown
too tired again. work 7-6, then apartment hunt. it's just stupid.
i wanted to write tonight, but it's already late, and i have to get up early for another day of living death (not the good kind).
popular? nah..heck I know people that have 4 and 5 pages of
entires in their journal a day!

So have you seen Bubba Hotep?
You'll love it...its a total campy joke. Just remember that
going in and you'll have a good time.
back to complaining about house and work:

yesterday i decided to take a break from househunting, and then today i had to help my buddy dave, whose car broke down on the way to work. since i didn't know how long it would take, i didn't make any calls on my lunchbreak. in the end, it only took about an hour, so i could have...
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If you have a region free dvd player, you can buy the region 2
disc of it. Or if you don't and you're really desperate, you can buy it and
convert it on your computer to divx. Better than watching a 3rd gen vhs dub....

I want to see that photo album of your friend's moms! BUt what about YOUR mom? smile And nothing wrong with working tradeshows...
I love doing them. I always end up partying my britches off!

[Edited on Jan 17, 2003]
hey you. i got your email.......i'm sorry i haven't replied (did you want me to?) i've been really bad with email lately. do you have any instant messenger thingos? xx
ps- i'm glad i could be therapy for you...even if i didn't write back....tongue
i've gotten a little sick of writing, "i can't find a place to live and i hate my job," over and over again, so i'll bore myself recounting some of the things i did after work...

first i went to the library, because i have this friend, who actually is sort of rich and has hired me to work in a few different capacities, and...
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Bubba Hotep is fucking hilarious. They premeired it here at the Toronto Film Festival and Rue Morgue had a private party for it. It was awesome...Bruce flew up for the event. Don Coscarelli came out too (although I had previously met him in Austin for a Phantasmania fest at the Alamo Draft House), it was cool that he came up for it.

We have the ED2 vid and never play it. You're right, its not that great. Surprisingly the Blair Witch ones are OK though...
Of course, although it was my sixth time seeing it. wink I spent most of it up in the booth talking to the rest of the Rue Crew and being goofy. But definitelt worth a 7th viewing.

next month is gonna be a good one too if we can get our hands on the only dvd copy......
jesus, how do you find a place for yourself in this insane asylum? i looked at a couple guest houses and a "loft to share" today. one of the houses was in an area that i liked, but there was no room to work, and it was REALLY ugly. not falling apart-ugly, instead it was just redone-ugly. the nicer house was far from the action,...
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Yeah I didnt really GET what the hell was going on at the end of that either..that weird fream sequence where he figures out what's going on. Either way that "tiki...tiki..tiki..." shit is pretty fuckin nutty! That movie played out like a romantic comedy until the end but worth watching I think.

Yes I am sick with Bladerunner. I am a woman obsessed..always have been and it never seems to mellow....I spent the Looooongest time talking with Joe Turkell (Tyrell) once about the movie..he loves it as much as I do. So we talked at length about what rocks us about it. It was one of the greater moments in my life.
this whole month in new york is postponed indefinitely, which really depresses me. i haven't found a place to live and i'm still depressed about working at a job that feels so unfulfilling. god, i wanted to get out of here and clear my head.

the consolation prize would have been to find a small loft where i could live and work and customize to...
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"I live in a drawer..."

AUDITION is fantastic btw, but didn't really disturb me.

[Edited on Jan 13, 2003]
No doubt kid! Good lookin' out money!
while i was in nyc, a friend of mine told me that i might be able to cover for him at work while he is in africa and live in his loft apartment in williamsburg for a month. i hope it happens, because i am in a rut that i just can't seem to escape, and it's driving me crazy.

i live in a closet....
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slipping...i know the feeling.
i spent the day painting a room with a friend in a house owned by the guy who does all the "obey" stickers/posters/vandalism. it's strange the people you meet when you move to a large city. i'm a lucky guy, i guess.

i just wish that i didn't feel so bogged down. i need to start moving again. i somehow lost the sense of ambition...
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tomorrow there is work to be done, although i'm not happy about going back to building trade show booths. what a waste of effort. at least i can't get trapped working there forever. in less than a week i fly to new york city. old friends are waiting for me, and i can't wait to see them again.