That in a nutshell describes how I feel from the past 24 hours... It's funny how sometimes we go through life kidding ourselves that we are truly "happy" in our lilfe, relationships and whatnot, until something or SOMEONE comes into your life that makes you realize that everything you had once thought made you happy, or what you thought was a feeling of happiness was anything but that. It's sad when we forget just who we really are, what we really want in life and in a relationship and sacrifice our own wants and needs and happiness for others who are so undeserving of any of that. But, I have to say that after going through all of that myself, that there isn't a better feeling in this entire world than being able to find someone and experience 100% true happiness that person. Isn't

Yikes- my birthday is in 4 more days... I feel so old!

At least I still get mistaken for being only 16 years old!

I'm kind of sad though because my birthday will be spent first going underwear shopping with my mom and stepsister-

- and then with my family celebrating mine and my stepbrothers birthdays as well as having a going away party for my stepsister and my new baby niece- they are going back to their husband/daddy in Georgia/Asia where he is working right now, and I won't get to see them until December. I'm actually really going to miss my new little niece- she is just the cutest thing- I never thought I could like a little baby until I held one for the first time!
My god... this whole new feeling of happiness is turning me into a sap! I must go now before I ruin whatever "tuff girl" image I once held!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!!
Tank you Blix!!
We were all the way down in bollingbrook though. Or as I like to call it "the deep south"
now if you only had a midget on a leash...