Yay for seeing my best friend over the weekend. I hadn't seen her and her husband in a year, so that rocked. Looks like I'll probably head over to Louisiane the end of May to see them again, because the next time I can go is August and I don't want to wait that long.
Day off today and I was thinking I'd just play WoW all day really, and then I remembered my aunt wants to use my computer to do her taxes >.< I love my family, but jesus, get a computer people...It's the year 2006 for god's sake.
Also, allergies are kicking my ass. Waking up with puffy eyes and scratchy throat is the worst and none of the allergy meds seem to work
Well, I'd better hurry and get my last few thousand exp for lvl 56 before it's tax shit time. Peace!
Day off today and I was thinking I'd just play WoW all day really, and then I remembered my aunt wants to use my computer to do her taxes >.< I love my family, but jesus, get a computer people...It's the year 2006 for god's sake.
Also, allergies are kicking my ass. Waking up with puffy eyes and scratchy throat is the worst and none of the allergy meds seem to work

Well, I'd better hurry and get my last few thousand exp for lvl 56 before it's tax shit time. Peace!

Seeing friends you haven't seen for ages may be the best thing in the world. If it wasn't so rubbish when friends aren't about I may wish not to see them very often just to have that meeting up again feeling. However them being away is worse them then the meeting up feeling is good so all in all them being around all the time is best.