I need a vacation. Now. Not the sunny beach sipping margaritas mindless boring type. No, I need a city. A city to walk in, explore, breathe in city air and see concrete and glass and city sights, sound and smells. That is the vacation my soul needs.
It could use a little shopping too.
It could use a little shopping too.
sorry i've been away so long...off being busy and sad and breakupy but now i'm feeling so much better than i was even when i thought i was happy before.
i know what you mean about the city...there's something about a good city that nourishes the soul sometimes...and other times i need a forest. i'm weird. i can't be happy with any one thing for any long stretch of time...does that sound crazy to you?
well i hope you find the city you need...i was glad to read that you've found contentment. that's a beautiful thing
hope you get some shopping too every gal needs a little shopping
big hugs!