Why is it that boys are more frustrating than anything else in the world? You would think if your girlfriend was moving accross the country you would want to spend some time with her, be sweet to her, savor the days untill she leaves. Three and a half months is a long time to go with out seeing someone.
What does my boyfriend do? Act pissy and refuse to get out of bed. Sweet.
What does my boyfriend do? Act pissy and refuse to get out of bed. Sweet.

kick him in the ass repeatedly until he does what you want

somebody is always the bottom in a relationship. ignore him, he'll come a runnin. maybe you'll meet a pretty boy in calif. i really don't think we were made to mate for life. i see pretty women and think someone is tired of fuckin them or vice versa. am i close? just a dumb thought i probably should of kept to myself if your not in it for the humor. cheers, here is to happier days hon.