oh hey, remember me?? haha it's been forever, I apologize, school has kept me suuuuper busy. before i start, i just want to say to my friends in Boston, i hope you're all ok and please stay safe! i'm still in disbelief about the marathon bombings and all the shit thats been going on just today. this world is a crazy place.
but let's get to catching up, shall we?
i guess i'll start from where i left off. I was dating a wonderful guy for a little while but we met at a strange time in both of our lives, sort of transitioning phases, if you will. I was just starting school and trying to get back into that, he was looking for some change and was getting ready to move to Hawaii for a while. unfortunately we didn't get very much time together before he flew out on March 5th, but i'm really glad we got to spend as much time together as we did. he got me into a bunch of clubs and i got to see some really great DJ's, which was awesome, but the best was seeing him spin at his going away party right before he left. it's rare to see DJ's nowadays that don't just press buttons on their lap tops but can actually mix vinyl and have a true passion for the music they're making. we made a lot of memories but we both knew committing to something wasn't the best idea for either of us so we decided to just stay friends. we still talk almost every day, i miss him a ton but he's happy and i know i'll see him again.

other than that it's pretty much just been school, school, and more school. I'm currently taking Art History, Drawing, and Intro to Digital Photography, and i'm loving them. well i kind of hate art history, the professor takes a while to get used to and gives a lot of homework but i'm doing really well in that class, actually all my classes. I got a 99 on my art history mid term, a 94 on my photography mid term, and an A on my mid-semester drawing critique.
i took some pictures of my art so i could share it with you guys, but some of my favorites are hanging in the art wing at school so i didn't get a chance to take pictures.
this was from when we were doing perspective drawings, i took the abstract route and did something different

pen and ink of the lovely Patton

abstract charcoal drawing in progress, i didn't get a chance to get a picture of it finished

this is everything laid out for my critique. i dont have individual pictures of them all though

long exposure of my friend riding his longboard. it has lights built into it, those are the streaks of color


i had to do an appropriation project for art history, so i chose these two postcards that i saw at the MFA in Boston. i was going to have friends pose for it so all i had to do was take the photos then edit them but shit came up so i had to do the entire thing by myself.
the originals

and my appropriations

oh and the weekend before last i went down to Philly to see one of my favorite people on the planet, Pesky!!

we shot for a local streetwear company called 1ll Society, twas awesome

i also bought a bong while i was there, so of course we had to christen it!

i named it after one of my fave SG's, Damsel and proceeded to take topless bong rips haha

we had to take a picture for Sundies

and then sadly i had to go home. but not before getting some lovin from my lady

i've also had a couple shoots, but i just got pictures back from one, they might be some of my all time favorites

well i think that brings us up to speed! nothing too crazy, like i said school is consuming most of my time. i miss everyone on here, and i'll try to be back more frequently as soon as i can. if you have my number, or even want to message me here i would love to hear from you! i am out of touch with so many people, i don't even know where to start catching up.
hope everyone is enjoying spring! i know i am
but let's get to catching up, shall we?
i guess i'll start from where i left off. I was dating a wonderful guy for a little while but we met at a strange time in both of our lives, sort of transitioning phases, if you will. I was just starting school and trying to get back into that, he was looking for some change and was getting ready to move to Hawaii for a while. unfortunately we didn't get very much time together before he flew out on March 5th, but i'm really glad we got to spend as much time together as we did. he got me into a bunch of clubs and i got to see some really great DJ's, which was awesome, but the best was seeing him spin at his going away party right before he left. it's rare to see DJ's nowadays that don't just press buttons on their lap tops but can actually mix vinyl and have a true passion for the music they're making. we made a lot of memories but we both knew committing to something wasn't the best idea for either of us so we decided to just stay friends. we still talk almost every day, i miss him a ton but he's happy and i know i'll see him again.

other than that it's pretty much just been school, school, and more school. I'm currently taking Art History, Drawing, and Intro to Digital Photography, and i'm loving them. well i kind of hate art history, the professor takes a while to get used to and gives a lot of homework but i'm doing really well in that class, actually all my classes. I got a 99 on my art history mid term, a 94 on my photography mid term, and an A on my mid-semester drawing critique.

this was from when we were doing perspective drawings, i took the abstract route and did something different

pen and ink of the lovely Patton

abstract charcoal drawing in progress, i didn't get a chance to get a picture of it finished

this is everything laid out for my critique. i dont have individual pictures of them all though

long exposure of my friend riding his longboard. it has lights built into it, those are the streaks of color


i had to do an appropriation project for art history, so i chose these two postcards that i saw at the MFA in Boston. i was going to have friends pose for it so all i had to do was take the photos then edit them but shit came up so i had to do the entire thing by myself.
the originals

and my appropriations

oh and the weekend before last i went down to Philly to see one of my favorite people on the planet, Pesky!!

we shot for a local streetwear company called 1ll Society, twas awesome

i also bought a bong while i was there, so of course we had to christen it!

i named it after one of my fave SG's, Damsel and proceeded to take topless bong rips haha

we had to take a picture for Sundies

and then sadly i had to go home. but not before getting some lovin from my lady

i've also had a couple shoots, but i just got pictures back from one, they might be some of my all time favorites

well i think that brings us up to speed! nothing too crazy, like i said school is consuming most of my time. i miss everyone on here, and i'll try to be back more frequently as soon as i can. if you have my number, or even want to message me here i would love to hear from you! i am out of touch with so many people, i don't even know where to start catching up.
hope everyone is enjoying spring! i know i am


Good luck with all your school stuff, take care