ladies and gents i present to you the new and improved Petite Souris (the artist formerly known as Eveski)
shot by Lucid Grafx Photography from Model Mayhem last week. it was super great, wore a few different outfits, had a blast. oh and he shot some on film with an old fashion camera. i can't wait to see those.
i think i'm going to keep this new name and try to part ways with Eveski so I can kind of start off fresh with this other modeling i'm trying to get into. i just want to get myself out there and shoot cool stuff, just wanna have fun with it, ya know?
well anyway this little mouse is tired and is going to try to go to bed. aka i'll be on for like another hour haha

shot by Lucid Grafx Photography from Model Mayhem last week. it was super great, wore a few different outfits, had a blast. oh and he shot some on film with an old fashion camera. i can't wait to see those.
i think i'm going to keep this new name and try to part ways with Eveski so I can kind of start off fresh with this other modeling i'm trying to get into. i just want to get myself out there and shoot cool stuff, just wanna have fun with it, ya know?
well anyway this little mouse is tired and is going to try to go to bed. aka i'll be on for like another hour haha
Wow, so gorgeous!