so you know how i am, i have no idea what i'm doing with my life, add a pinch of wanderlust and some impulsivity, and you've got me summed up pretty well! my life is a roller coaster, but i never want to get off.
well let me take you to my latest adventure.
as you know, i just went to NYC for the weekend to visit my friend Aly, and to shoot with the lovely Brooklyn. i went down after work saturday morning, and of course, when i make plans something has to go astray somewhere. Aly texts me at like 10 and says she got called into work from 3pm-1am, so i have no where to go once i'm in NYC until she's out of work, but i'm already packed and ready to go. so i frantically text everyone i know in the city, not much luck but i decided just to go and take the Staten Island Ferry over to Manhattan to go explore. my friend Eric came to the rescue though, we hung out in Brooklyn until i could get a ferry back to Staten Island. didn't get to Aly's until like 3:30 in the morning. sunday was awesome though, i woke up late, got nutella pancakes, and got to watch Brooklyn shoot another hopeful before we shot my set
i had such a blast shooting this one, i have a really good feeling about it, i absolutely love it!
dinner with Eric at The Meatball Shop

on our way to breakfast with Aly's mom

selfie before my shoot

sneak peak, i apologize that it's an instagram'd picture of a picture, but thats all you get for now

moar selfies!! yes i know i have a problem, i need to quit. actually i should probably quit smoking cigarets too... i'm not funny.

silly pix with Aly Cat

sunrise as i was leaving NYC

oh right that whole thing about my life being a roller coaster and such. i've decided to nix the whole EMT course next semester, instead i'm going to take a couple prerequisites and some art classes to build up a portfolio and get some shit out of the way so i can be ready to apply for the Gallatin School at NYU next year. I literally just decided this on sunday night, and yes its a little impulsive but i'm finally feeling really driven about doing something. i already started filling out the Common App, and i'm scheduling tests and an appointment with an advisor at the community college here. i told my mom about it and she's absolutely thrilled and supports me 100%. i know i couldn't handle jumping back into full time school right away, so i'm going to take spring and probably summer classes to get myself more ready for it. but this is what i want, no, this is what i need. i've come to the conclusion that i need to start following my dreams and do more of what makes me happy.
so there, that's my plan, i'm going to get an apartment and go to art school in NYC, it's where i belong. i have a feeling 2013 will be my year.
well let me take you to my latest adventure.
as you know, i just went to NYC for the weekend to visit my friend Aly, and to shoot with the lovely Brooklyn. i went down after work saturday morning, and of course, when i make plans something has to go astray somewhere. Aly texts me at like 10 and says she got called into work from 3pm-1am, so i have no where to go once i'm in NYC until she's out of work, but i'm already packed and ready to go. so i frantically text everyone i know in the city, not much luck but i decided just to go and take the Staten Island Ferry over to Manhattan to go explore. my friend Eric came to the rescue though, we hung out in Brooklyn until i could get a ferry back to Staten Island. didn't get to Aly's until like 3:30 in the morning. sunday was awesome though, i woke up late, got nutella pancakes, and got to watch Brooklyn shoot another hopeful before we shot my set

dinner with Eric at The Meatball Shop

on our way to breakfast with Aly's mom

selfie before my shoot

sneak peak, i apologize that it's an instagram'd picture of a picture, but thats all you get for now

moar selfies!! yes i know i have a problem, i need to quit. actually i should probably quit smoking cigarets too... i'm not funny.

silly pix with Aly Cat

sunrise as i was leaving NYC

oh right that whole thing about my life being a roller coaster and such. i've decided to nix the whole EMT course next semester, instead i'm going to take a couple prerequisites and some art classes to build up a portfolio and get some shit out of the way so i can be ready to apply for the Gallatin School at NYU next year. I literally just decided this on sunday night, and yes its a little impulsive but i'm finally feeling really driven about doing something. i already started filling out the Common App, and i'm scheduling tests and an appointment with an advisor at the community college here. i told my mom about it and she's absolutely thrilled and supports me 100%. i know i couldn't handle jumping back into full time school right away, so i'm going to take spring and probably summer classes to get myself more ready for it. but this is what i want, no, this is what i need. i've come to the conclusion that i need to start following my dreams and do more of what makes me happy.
so there, that's my plan, i'm going to get an apartment and go to art school in NYC, it's where i belong. i have a feeling 2013 will be my year.
