life is pretty fucking grand!!!
i'm completely done with my ex, he turned out to be really weird, and i'm not wasting my time with that shit. lesson learned; some boys are flaky bitches.
i'm down to 123lbs, and my shoulder feels better than ever from all this working out! i also have a new found confidence, which is awesome.
oh and i'm going to NY in 10 days!! i'll be shooting at least 1 set for SG.
i'm so stoked.
pic spam!!!
i've fallen in love with having a toned body, and i'm pretty fucking proud of it!!! can't believe i've lost 33lbs now. hard work pays off! the woman who designed and teaches the class thing i did at the gym is always bragging about me, she's become like another mom to me. i love her.
oh and i finally met my friend that i've been talking to since i was in high school. shit always came up whenever we tried to hang out, then i went off to college and he moved to florida for a little and now he lives in NY. anyway he was home for the weekend and we hung out for the first time. it was fucking rad. we smoked, drove out to this place by a creek, looked up at the stars and talked about space. then he kissed me. it was some nicholas sparks shit. hahaha
it was about all the romance i could handle. not looking for anything to come of it though, it was just a nice night and i'm not expecting anything more.
oh some unrelated news; i've figured out what i want to do with my life. i'm starting school (kind of) in the fall. i'll be training to be an EMT. the local community college has a one semester course that will certify me or whatever you call it. and then i'm going to get a job doing that for a while before i go to school to be a paramedic. all of this will be to save up money for me to eventually open my own store. i want to do my own silk screening and put my designs on clothes and shit, and my store will sell clothes from small lines/companies, handmade jewelry, art, etc. yea i know the whole plan doesn't really seem cohesive but i figured out what i wanted and i know that i'll need to save up a lot of money for it to work. so i'll get a good job doing something i can always fall back on and work towards my dream. this recent epiphany has added to the whole stoked on life thing.
sorry i don't think this blog could be much more random. haha well, that's all for now folks!
i'm completely done with my ex, he turned out to be really weird, and i'm not wasting my time with that shit. lesson learned; some boys are flaky bitches.
i'm down to 123lbs, and my shoulder feels better than ever from all this working out! i also have a new found confidence, which is awesome.

oh and i'm going to NY in 10 days!! i'll be shooting at least 1 set for SG.

pic spam!!!

i've fallen in love with having a toned body, and i'm pretty fucking proud of it!!! can't believe i've lost 33lbs now. hard work pays off! the woman who designed and teaches the class thing i did at the gym is always bragging about me, she's become like another mom to me. i love her.
oh and i finally met my friend that i've been talking to since i was in high school. shit always came up whenever we tried to hang out, then i went off to college and he moved to florida for a little and now he lives in NY. anyway he was home for the weekend and we hung out for the first time. it was fucking rad. we smoked, drove out to this place by a creek, looked up at the stars and talked about space. then he kissed me. it was some nicholas sparks shit. hahaha

oh some unrelated news; i've figured out what i want to do with my life. i'm starting school (kind of) in the fall. i'll be training to be an EMT. the local community college has a one semester course that will certify me or whatever you call it. and then i'm going to get a job doing that for a while before i go to school to be a paramedic. all of this will be to save up money for me to eventually open my own store. i want to do my own silk screening and put my designs on clothes and shit, and my store will sell clothes from small lines/companies, handmade jewelry, art, etc. yea i know the whole plan doesn't really seem cohesive but i figured out what i wanted and i know that i'll need to save up a lot of money for it to work. so i'll get a good job doing something i can always fall back on and work towards my dream. this recent epiphany has added to the whole stoked on life thing.
sorry i don't think this blog could be much more random. haha well, that's all for now folks!
Have lots of fun on your trip! And good luck with your plan!