my first week of work was great! my hours are all over the place but whatever, i like them. i'm also going to be teaching swim lessons on saturdays. some of the kids i'm teaching are absolutely adorable. and then some are OBNOXIOUS hahaha
ok so i'm not big on talking much lately. here's pix
as happy as i am about my job wally is sad that i leave him. at least he looks cute being sad in his tie dye sweatshirt!


more new undies

my nails. fuck yeaaaaaaa haha i love them.

i wear this all the time haha no point in taking it off really haha

this finally came in!!! finished it in like 2 days haha
went to a dog festival yesterday with my like other mom haha Toby likes to sit like a person. he's so cute. and did i mention big?

now he's all sleepy from the excitement! there were easily over 200 dogs there. it was so fun!

and wally in his car carrier. he doesn't like cars and he does better when he's in there

and now he's all sleepy from the big day. they had a best ears competition. we entered. didn't win. HOW CAN YOU SAY NO TO THAT FACE?! his ears are the best!!! some great dane won. Wally's ears are way better than any great danes. his are unique. i told wally he's still a winner to me haha yea i'm that mom

some rare Jenny cat time. wally was outside and she decided to come watch criminal minds with me.

does any one else have/remember these? Jello Jigglers, they're the best <3

and finally more Wally

poor guy is sick though
he's acting normal and all but he has diarrhea again.
he had it like 2 weeks ago but it went away and now it's back. sorry to be gross but i feel bad for the little fella.
oh and idk if i mentioned before but i started the south beach diet last sunday and i lost 5 or 6 pounds this week!! i say or because i'm not sure what my starting weight was. it kept staying between 153 and 152. and i;m now at 147. now if i can get to 125 i will be very happy!!
ok so i'm not big on talking much lately. here's pix

as happy as i am about my job wally is sad that i leave him. at least he looks cute being sad in his tie dye sweatshirt!


more new undies

my nails. fuck yeaaaaaaa haha i love them.

i wear this all the time haha no point in taking it off really haha

this finally came in!!! finished it in like 2 days haha

went to a dog festival yesterday with my like other mom haha Toby likes to sit like a person. he's so cute. and did i mention big?

now he's all sleepy from the excitement! there were easily over 200 dogs there. it was so fun!

and wally in his car carrier. he doesn't like cars and he does better when he's in there

and now he's all sleepy from the big day. they had a best ears competition. we entered. didn't win. HOW CAN YOU SAY NO TO THAT FACE?! his ears are the best!!! some great dane won. Wally's ears are way better than any great danes. his are unique. i told wally he's still a winner to me haha yea i'm that mom

some rare Jenny cat time. wally was outside and she decided to come watch criminal minds with me.

does any one else have/remember these? Jello Jigglers, they're the best <3

and finally more Wally

poor guy is sick though

oh and idk if i mentioned before but i started the south beach diet last sunday and i lost 5 or 6 pounds this week!! i say or because i'm not sure what my starting weight was. it kept staying between 153 and 152. and i;m now at 147. now if i can get to 125 i will be very happy!!

I hope he gets better!
You're so cute, I can't stand it.