so i log onto fb chat and my best friend tells me about what this douche said today in chem:
today when i went into chem he asked me if you said anything about him. and i was like no why would she!? (as if i would tell him if you did) and he's like well I think you know I was wondering if she said anything about how good it was.. and i was like umm.. NO! and by this time two nosey bitches walk in. and he's like oh well that was a mistake. and i was like well then thats your problem not either of ours. and then the two bitches wanted to know what happened and douchebag was all its I'll have to tell you after class. so i stood up and i was like douchebag what ever the fuck you have to say about her you can say infront of me and if your to much of a bitch then you deserve to be hit anyway
sooooo.. He proceeds to tell her. and then he ended it with my girlfriend was pissed because she wants me to fuck girls hotter then her. SO I got in his face and was like oh douchebag i thought you were in an open relationship huh! and he just looked away and i like grabbed my stuff and i was like douchebag your girlfriend looks like a dogs ass and eva (**thats me for those of you who don't know) could fuck her up 10 times over so you better watch how you run your mouth.. and then i went and sat somewhere else
anddd at the end of the class he was still talking about it.
so i when i walked out i whispered in his ear "you know you wanted her sexy ass" HAHA
my response was: did he also mention that i was black out drunk so hes lucky im not pressing charges???
yea i am fucking LIVID

today when i went into chem he asked me if you said anything about him. and i was like no why would she!? (as if i would tell him if you did) and he's like well I think you know I was wondering if she said anything about how good it was.. and i was like umm.. NO! and by this time two nosey bitches walk in. and he's like oh well that was a mistake. and i was like well then thats your problem not either of ours. and then the two bitches wanted to know what happened and douchebag was all its I'll have to tell you after class. so i stood up and i was like douchebag what ever the fuck you have to say about her you can say infront of me and if your to much of a bitch then you deserve to be hit anyway
sooooo.. He proceeds to tell her. and then he ended it with my girlfriend was pissed because she wants me to fuck girls hotter then her. SO I got in his face and was like oh douchebag i thought you were in an open relationship huh! and he just looked away and i like grabbed my stuff and i was like douchebag your girlfriend looks like a dogs ass and eva (**thats me for those of you who don't know) could fuck her up 10 times over so you better watch how you run your mouth.. and then i went and sat somewhere else
anddd at the end of the class he was still talking about it.
so i when i walked out i whispered in his ear "you know you wanted her sexy ass" HAHA
my response was: did he also mention that i was black out drunk so hes lucky im not pressing charges???
yea i am fucking LIVID

people like everyone in that story is why i have massive disdain for humanity
Calling him douchebag is too nice. It's probably an upgrade from what he really is. And if you really want him to be scared, you should have your friend tell him that you are THINKING of pressing charges, even if you aren't. He deserves to fall down a flight of stairs and land face-down on a bed of nails.