So it's official. I've been played for a fool again. My ex finaly did come down, tues we went to dinner and I only got to see her for an hour and a half, no hug and she was distant. She said she'd call that night and then again tomorrow to make plans. She never called me back that night, but she did call me wed afternoon. But it was only to tell me that she had plans for most of the day but that she for sure was going to see me before she left. Well the whole day past and I never got a call from her, and I doubt she's going to be stopping by now.
It's clear now that I mean nothing to her, so maybe now I can finally close that chapter of my life
It's clear now that I mean nothing to her, so maybe now I can finally close that chapter of my life

It sounds like your a bit down. Are you hanging in there?
I'm not even sure what happened. It just seems that on the paxil cr you are fine unless you don't take it at exactly the same time every single day.