Han. A Korean word. There is no literal English translation. It is a state of mind. Of soul, really. A sadness so deep, no tears will come. And yet still, there is hope.

At least, according to The West Wing.

Wikipedia has a slightly different take on it.

Thanks for the sweet comment on my set smile
osho has been a huge help in my life recently. the whole philosophy of living totally runs through many faiths, but dogma muddles it up a bit.
yeah, chris smither is pretty great. and that song is one of my favorites ever. (sigh) I'm having a tough time right now. thanks for the hugs. things will be okay. I just wish the grieving process wasn't so hard...
hehehe biggrin
The instrumental title track of Sophia's new album was inspired by the true story of a father and son who one day decide to go for a stroll along the British shore. Surprised by the spring tide, they get in trouble. The father has a cell phone and manages to alert the coast guard. Nevertheless, they could not be saved in time. They drowned.

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yep techonology wont save us... i wonder if our questions will

happy new year!!
speak soon!! wink kiss
At my door the leaves are falling
A cold wild wind has come
Sweethearts walk by together
And I still miss someone

I go out on a party
And look for a little fun
But I find a darkened corner
because I still miss someone

Oh, no I never got over those blues eyes
I see them every where
I miss those arms that held...
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awwwwwwwww :_______________________)
The West Wing, or how fiction is better than reality...

To say I'm addicted to this show, is like saying George W. Bush isn't the most eloquent of politicians.
Thank you so much for your comment on my set, Mr. Everthere.
Yesterday, I couldn't avoid being in a store that sells lots of different things, most of which can euphemistically be labelled as crap. Not surprisingly, they also sell Christmas decorations. One of the gems on offer, were these blinking Christmas lights that also omit a piercing electronic Christmas tune of sorts. It could be heard in about half of the shop. I was there for...
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Oh my :p
I felt incredible sorry for the employees at blokker when they sold those singing fishes and lobster attached to a piece of wood to hang on your wall.
Everyone just loved to press the button to make those things sing tongue
shops in xmas time are like a crazy place...and after xmas sales... i used to work in these days and i wonder how i had survived cos it was crazy crazy time

subtitles are always better... but i prefer subtitles in English (if the fiml is English of course haha)

hope the fat man wearing red has brought u something nice biggrin
Talking in video because words have abandoned me in my frustration.

Stop. Rewind. Or eject. That, dear William, is the question.
despite all my rage im still just a rat in a cage

ooooh this song reminds me an old "good" time

After last night's predictable little rant about the new profile lay-out, I thought I'd dial it down a notch or two by sharing some fine music by the lovely Joan Wasser a.k.a. Joan As Police Woman.

I saw her twice this summer, once at the Pukkelpop festival and once in the Handelsbeurs in Ghent. The former was a show of the band, the latter...
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i am a cat person too.. but im also a 'you' person.. sounds corny huh?... plenty more where that came from, trust me.

i need to talk to you.

Whaaattt ? and drop the various possibilities that the drawn eyebrows have to offer? shocked
I can draw them according to my mood then, make me look real pissed off when I'm not in the mood for people, or the 'gasp wide open, kinda not having a clue, wide eyes' when I'm having a lil' daydreaming day tongue tongue
Lmao ah no, tattoo them would be just be a tad to permanent, I do intend to grow em back once I cant be bothered to draw anymore wink
So I'm not exactly thrilled about the new profile lay-out, but I'm trying to be a sport anyway. Sure, whoever thought it was a good idea to have this whole Top Ten thing should be stoned to death, but let's get passed that, why don't we? I don't get my panties all twisted up over how much this is cramping my style and set about...
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Could it be that Chan Marshall isn't a mere mortal like the rest of us, but rather some sort of deity? Whatever the answer, she left me spellbound and mesmerized last night.
I knew that she's not just any other artist. What I didn't know, is just how powerful she is. And that's saying a lot.

When I got the album You Are Free a...
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some emotions are almost impossible to describe

Great to discover a belgian!

Thanks for the message! KISS smile
There's this notion about love that has been haunting me these past days. I can't remember where I picked it up, a movie, TV, casual conversation, the back of cereal box This notion says that the purest form of love, that makes you experience love most profoundly, is the one where the object of your affection is not around. The idea being that this way,...
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hahah i did experince that... but i mean is that love? or kind of want something u cant have?... hmm hmmm

im glad u like the silly vid hehe kiss