Wow, I can't believe it's already been a month since my last "proper" post here !
The last weeks of august have been hectic as hell and september is not better for now! I've been back in school for less than 2 weeks and I'm already feeling like crap (and looking like it too ahah) and stressing over stuff...Seems like this year is gonna be fun...But it's the last one so I have to hang on !
While I was gone we reached 300 followers that's just crazy !! I haven't done anything yet but post little selfies and you're all giving me so much love, it's just unbelievable ♥
Thank you all for the kind words and everything, I really appreciate it ♥
While we all wait for my debut set (coming out in something like a month, omg omg this is coming fast :o) here is a little extract of my last photoshoot (not for sg), hope you enjoy it as much as I do !
(By Julien Rico)
I hope you are all doing great and that september is treating you better than it's treating me !
Love & Kisses
@rambo & @missy