Hey beautiful people,@Rambo & @missy , I haven’t been very active recently, I'm planning a lot of upcoming shoots (and a few are for sg I’m so excited ! ), And I feel like I’m constantly running around doing stuff and that I have no time to browse the site !
For today’s blog homework I decided to talk about what inspired me to become a suicide girl and first of all how I became a model. So brace yourselves, this might be quite a long blog with a lot of pictures ahah
I think the first time I stumbled upon the suicide girls was on a CSI : NY episode when I was like 16 or 17. I don’t remember if the girls in the episode where actual suicide girls but I instantly fell in love with their style and their attitude and I started looking everywhere to find more about it. I was so sad when discovered that you had to pay each month to have access to the site (I wasn't making money and couldn't decently ask my parents for money to go on suicide girls ahahah) so I had to settle on facebook and sometimes tumblr to see pictures of the girls.
Among the girls I discovered and that inspired me (and still inspire me to this day ) there were
@Plum (my first girl crush ever)
And probably many more that I can't remember yet. (thank you girls for being so awesome and inspiring)
It was so amazing seeing these badass and sexy tattooed babes and deep down I wanted to be just like them . At the time I didn’t have an alternative style AT ALL (partly because my parents and especially my father were dead set against it) even if I was dreaming of the day I’d get my first piercing etc. I wasn’t even a model and I sure as hell didn’t feel pretty enough to be part of this world. (And until recently it didn’t even occur to me that I could ever be a model)
I was never one of the cool kids, didn’t get a boyfriend until late high school, didn’t start dying my hair until I was In college, got my first piercing at 19, well you get the idea.
Years passed and I thought nothing of it, until I met my best friend in college. She was everything I wanted to be and I can say without a doubt that she inspired me to be what I am today. She wanted to be a model and she made me discover awesome models like Kato and Ophelia Overdose just to name a few.
One day she comes to me and asks me if I want to be a model for a duo photoshoot organized by a friend of hers. I said yes. Here is the first photoshoot I ever did, I'm kinda ashamed to show it ahah but we had fun and well...You have to start somewhere ahahah.
(I barely recognize myself ahahah)
After that her friend contacted me again for other shoots and we had tons of fun. But I still didn’t consider myself a model, I was just a girl having fun doing pretty pictures. But he created my model page on Facebook and told me that I could start contacting other photographers now that I was a “real model”
At first I only contacted people who had projects in which I could fit and I always felt I was overstepping but now I don’t hesitate to go to people and build projects with teams. It’s a lot of work but I wouldn't give it up for the world!
Here are some pictures I created over the years (Some auto promo never killed anyone right?)
(Kinda feels like a hair journey ahaha )
And this is how it all started.
But (we’re getting to the suicide girls part I promise! ) I still didn’t feel like I could become a suicide girl, I didn’t feel pretty enough, pierced enough, fit enough, etc.
3 years ago, I met @marieneige who is an hopeful on the site (give her some love, she deserves it 💜) and she talked to me about the site and really encouraged take the leap. She really made me feel like this was a community full of people just like me and that I could feel like I belonged there. She told me that it didn’t matter how many piercings and tattoos I had or how bright my hair was, and here I am today, with a set in the queue and many more planned! I swear to god if you had told me a few years back that I would be there, I wouldn't have believed it.
There are still days where I feel like I’m not really good enough to be here but I’m working hard on my confidence (which has improved a lot ever since I became a model fortunately ) and I’m truly happy to be here, surrounded by beautiful souls
Thank you to the courageous ones who read it all and made it that far !
Don’t forget that you can find me on instagram, facebook & twitter
Evermoon 💜🌙