I finally got my hands on Sweet & Sour, Hot y Spicy by Ely Guerra. Expressing the effect hearing Ely's voice hit the tone and emotion it does in Te Amo, I love you again had on my right brain is not something I can presently do. It did, however, conspire to make me wonder what I'm going to do when I graduate this May. You see, my political science major comes with implications. To say I find them attractive, however, would be untruthful. Every time I watch the news and speak with my professors, I'm reminded why I chose this, but then my solo performance of theater professor asks me for the second time if I've done this before, and I answer truthfully I have not. I don't tell her I have always wanted to. I never mention ideas flowing through my head used to keep me up at night and provide me company on walks home. I keep quiet and think of the the battered woman I read about in India, ace my Poli-Aci test I hardly studied for, and listen to Muse, while searching for options.
On an unrelated note, I have far too many people bookmarked. One day, this will make my head explode.
On an unrelated note, I have far too many people bookmarked. One day, this will make my head explode.
btw, Ely guerra rocks!