I do not have time for a more extensive post, but I wanted to at least mention my mother is well. Also, while uploading photos, I discovered not only is there a size limit to the photos I can upload, but many of the photos I have exceed this limit. Therefore, http://www.flickr.com/photos/77745501@N00/ for those of you who are curious to see more than the three photos I was able to upload, (including random images like this:
)as I don't have the time to resize digital images at present. Apologies, as I'm still orgnizing my account. Any picture that does not have me in it was taken by me unless otherwise credited. I have seriously not picked up a camera in too long. This is perhaps by virtue of the fact that the only camera I owned until recently has been broken for years and I cannot afford to repair it. My Samsung A920 should arrive soon, however, (for those of you wondering about the apparent contradiction, I got it for free) so I will at least be able to take dinky little 1.3 MP camera phone images...I really need to get my camera fixed. Also, if anyo Chicago people are planning to catch After the Quake at the Steppenwolf this week, I might see you there. Finally, would anyone be my anti-valentine?

ahah, this site is awesome, thank you!

To each his own, I suppose. Makeup is a form of artistic expression for me. I don't wear so much.