I am so addicted to Souls right now it is nowhere near funny. My mind had forgotten the impact Cecilia Nordlund, the Swedish songstress from the band, tended to have on it. Even before the CD actually arrived in the mail I found myself humming long-forgotten melodies that had somehow gotten stuck in my head to myself, fairly surprised that a song from so long ago could resurface and catch my mind so powerfully. This is easily the best one cent purchase I have ever made. It is also, I think, the only one cent purchase I have ever made; though, I imagine it would still be the best were it not. I just wish I knew what happened to the band. I would really like to have heard more from them.
More Blogs
Wednesday May 09, 2007
Gah. My head is always full of posts I mean to make but rarely ever … -
Tuesday Apr 17, 2007
So, about those missing cross-posts. Here is the longest of them. I… -
Thursday Apr 12, 2007
It occurs to me that there are a few posts I haven't actually cross-p… -
Tuesday Mar 06, 2007
So, I was listening to Cusive's The Ugly Organ earlier today and bega… -
Sunday Feb 04, 2007
So yeah, I just came in from stepping in outside and the first thing … -
Tuesday Jan 30, 2007
Did anyone else notice the description for BarakObama.com in Google c… -
Friday Jan 19, 2007
It's not been very long, but it feels strange to go back and read my … -
Thursday Jan 18, 2007
Cross-posted from my LJ...I really need to set up a real blog with Mo… -
Saturday Dec 16, 2006
So, LA looks like nice place, and I might want to live there, at leas… -
Monday Nov 20, 2006
I realize I have a horrible tendency to disappear for significant per…
(my parents split up when i was 5 and so my dad didn't always get to open presents with us on christmas morning, so that's why we started the christmas eve tradition.)