I've been away for a while and I could well be for some time. This is partly due to the twenty-one hours (seven classes) I'm signed up for this semester and partly because Glitch is currently very ill. The rest can be summed up by saying things are somewhat crazy at the moment. A full explanation will have to wait. I actually have several unfinished posts sitting on different hard drives and various accounts online. I don't plan on allowing this to continue, but I suppose we'll see how that goes. Also, I'm sorry to those I haven't responded to. I haven't meant to snub anyone, I just haven't been on the site very often. This makes me mourn all the great photosets I've probably missed. Regardless, I hope you are all doing well.
More Blogs
Thursday Feb 23, 2006
I finally got my hands on Sweet & Sour, Hot y Spicy by Ely Guerra. E… -
Tuesday Feb 21, 2006
Read More -
Tuesday Feb 14, 2006
I do not have time for a more extensive post, but I wanted to at leas… -
Wednesday Feb 08, 2006
I can't sleep. My mom is getting an angioplasty in six hours, and I'… -
Friday Feb 03, 2006
I have dicovered both good and bad things. First, as I feared, Souls… -
Tuesday Jan 31, 2006
I am so addicted to Souls right now it is nowhere near funny. My min… -
Sunday Jan 29, 2006
I was just invited to the fiftieth anniversary of old neighbors of mi… -
Tuesday Jan 24, 2006
I've been away for a while and I could well be for some time. This is… -
Friday Dec 23, 2005
I woke up this morning planning on making pancakes using the very las… -
Friday Dec 02, 2005
Gah. I would not worry about the papers I have due soon if it w…