Gah. I would not worry about the papers I have due soon if it were not for all the distractions. It honestly seems I cannot go without five miunutes without some talking to/calling/IMing me. I swear, I need my very own fortress of solitude. Accordingly, if I seem to disappear for a while, you now know why.
Also, my birthday went well. My thanks for the kind wishes. It was pretty low key. I planned on catching Good Night and Good Luck in the morning with some friends of mine then going to the Chicago Diner for lunch, but being the lazy people they are, they slept in. I still saw Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire with them and my other friends later in the day. All things considered, it was probably not a bad movie for those who haven't read the book, but it was the worst adaptation yet. I don't honestly know if I want to watch the next one in theaters. Also, Steak and Shake is a horrible place for vegetarians, just so you know. I suppose the name might be somewhat of a giveaway, but I thought they would at least have a veggie burger. (As virtually every sit down burger chain does these days.) They do not. If you prefer your animals alive and well, I suggest staying well away.
Also, I got to see an old friend of mine recently. We had not spoken in some time because she suffers from the worst of misinterpretations through e-mail. All things considered, it was good to see her again. Als, in case I'm gone for that long, may all your holidays be bright.
Also, my birthday went well. My thanks for the kind wishes. It was pretty low key. I planned on catching Good Night and Good Luck in the morning with some friends of mine then going to the Chicago Diner for lunch, but being the lazy people they are, they slept in. I still saw Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire with them and my other friends later in the day. All things considered, it was probably not a bad movie for those who haven't read the book, but it was the worst adaptation yet. I don't honestly know if I want to watch the next one in theaters. Also, Steak and Shake is a horrible place for vegetarians, just so you know. I suppose the name might be somewhat of a giveaway, but I thought they would at least have a veggie burger. (As virtually every sit down burger chain does these days.) They do not. If you prefer your animals alive and well, I suggest staying well away.
Also, I got to see an old friend of mine recently. We had not spoken in some time because she suffers from the worst of misinterpretations through e-mail. All things considered, it was good to see her again. Als, in case I'm gone for that long, may all your holidays be bright.
ha, persimmons are ok!! why is the bank closed on wednesdays?
u are so nice