So, I'm back. It's weird. I'm mildly surprised to see its been less than a year, and, of course, even more of the girls I really liked are gone. There are probably new ones I'll really like, but sometimes I feel like that cartoon character screaming to the sky, "Why do things have to change!" Except I know why. It's just some changes, usually seemingly...
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Have we had some good times? We've had some good times. I'm going to be taking off, though, letting my membership expire and disappearing into the aether. There are a couple reasons for this, none of which I'm going to go into any detail about. I did want to say, though, I mostly enjoyed my time here and all the people I've met on the...
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So, it was either Christmas or Christmas Eve that I was listening to NPR's broadcast of Joy to the World when who was introduced on stage but Catherine Russell. I'm a bit of a fan of hers, and her music this performance was unsurprisingly delightful. What got me the most, though, was her performance of I've Got Your Love to Keep Me Warm. It...
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so just about 90degrees celsius then? that's what i've heard for some teas. i usually do let my water sit, just because i'm disorganized... but good info.
This was the beginning of a blog post I started over a month ago, saved as a draft for some reason, and never finished.
Maybe I should have given it a week or so before posting so it would have been exactly one year. I don't imagine that serves any actual purpose,, but nothing really. That really would have been pointless. Regardless, this past...
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Maybe I should have given it a week or so before posting so it would have been exactly one year. I don't imagine that serves any actual purpose,, but nothing really. That really would have been pointless. Regardless, this past...
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i can never find anyone who wants to offer up space for NYE party. If we went to a bar it would be expensive to get in for alot of peeps to show. thats just my opinion...
Oh, dear lord. This is odd. Almost awkward. There was a time I came to this site regularly and tried to blog regularly. Now I stopped by because a friend mentioned Will Weaton had reviewed the fourth edition of Dungeons and Dragons, a gaming system whose newest iteration is still a source of controversy among gaming nerds like myself and my gaming group in particular...
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Twenty-six and still aging. How non-monumental a number, but still, it's a birthday, and even birthdays in between the tens and fives are important. Also, and perhaps more importantly, Stars - Your Ex-Lover is Dead, which I've been listening to compulsively since discovering it nearly a week ago, is one of the most beautiful things I've heard in years, so beautiful it occasionally causes me...
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Speaking as a 32-year-old, I can tell you quite frankly that it only gets worse from here. After this, it's all looking backward instead of forward.
Belated Happy Birthday!
This is cross-posted from my other blog which I had not posted to in months and in is slowly getting a redesign...or as much of a redesign as one can give their blog on livejournal. Also, more attention. It's vaguely symbolic that this is being done done while my life is in the middle of the current dishevellment, I suppose, but as far as I...
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I have been negligent, and horribly so. I had pondered whether or not I was going to remain on the site, and in the end I remained, but did nothing about that fact. A ridiculous course of action if ever there was one. I suppose it does not help that I've only had access to the internet for three days out of the last two...
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I've been inactive for a stupidly long time. My apologies.
So, Mexico. I haven't been there since I was roughly two years old, and it's probably from this visit that the earliest memories in my life come from. Returning, then, was nowhere near as strange or surreal as I had anticipated it to be. I had heard the warnings given to me by my brother...
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So, Mexico. I haven't been there since I was roughly two years old, and it's probably from this visit that the earliest memories in my life come from. Returning, then, was nowhere near as strange or surreal as I had anticipated it to be. I had heard the warnings given to me by my brother...
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I'm glad you got a chance to go down there. It sounds like a great trip!
So, as long as I can remember I've had a profound like of good stories. They've always been one of the most wonderful things to me and have dictated the various forms of media I would take in. It goes back to my father reading, no, telling me stories as a child. So long as we were in bed before nine (Yes, we had a...
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