I really need to take a trip somewhere, but I can't decide where to go. I don't suppose anyone has any suggestions...
Well since you're in Chicago I guess recommending another city would be kind of dumb, but if not NYC is amazing. If you're looking for the opposite I recommend upper Michigan, lots of cool nature type stuff.
The X-men make me happy again. It's been a very long time since they've done that. Also, I love Bachalo's art (as much as one can love art, which, isn't really love at all) so very much. I didn't even realize I'd missed it until now.
So, I went to my My Pictures folder to do a bit of arranging when I noticed one of my sub-folders was missing. It's not one I would have ever, in any sane state of mind, deleted, but it was neither hidden nor, as far as I can tell, moved. That particular folder was aptly named 2006, as it was the archive of all photographs...
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I wouldn't call the time between when I last posted and now uneventful by any means, but I've simply not been writing. I have not written a single thing in the past few months with two general exceptions. The first is a handful of short emails, blog comments, forum posts, and IM conversations, but in all honesty, those don't count for much. The other exception...
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I am breathing but addicted to the Lineage 2 soundtrack. Also, I'm in the last month of the last semester of my senior year. That has a way of keeping one occupied. Apologies. I will talk to people again come May. Honest.
For those of you who might have been wondering, I am still listening to Ely Guerra, but am okay, really. The one thing I didn't mention in my last post, which I feel bad for, as I imagine I've short-changed my chosen field, is how much I enjoy trying to figure out solutions to the problems in the world today. They are no less painful...
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thank you...and how are you?
Are you coming out to Quencher's tonite?
I finally got my hands on Sweet & Sour, Hot y Spicy by Ely Guerra. Expressing the effect hearing Ely's voice hit the tone and emotion it does in Te Amo, I love you again had on my right brain is not something I can presently do. It did, however, conspire to make me wonder what I'm going to do when I graduate this May....
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smile thanks for the comment on my set!! you rock biggrin love

btw, Ely guerra rocks!
I do not have time for a more extensive post, but I wanted to at least mention my mother is well. Also, while uploading photos, I discovered not only is there a size limit to the photos I can upload, but many of the photos I have exceed this limit. Therefore, http://www.flickr.com/photos/77745501@N00/ for those of you who are curious to see more than the three...
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ahah, this site is awesome, thank you!
To each his own, I suppose. Makeup is a form of artistic expression for me. I don't wear so much.
I can't sleep. My mom is getting an angioplasty in six hours, and I'm skipping my Brain and Human Behavior quiz to go with her. I keep going over the material I'm not going to be quizzed on, as if I needed to know it. What I need, though, is sleep. I need my mother not to need the angioplasty tomorrow. I need to go...
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