to top off my perfect past few weeks, i was fired from my job today. i over slept, my alarm never went off and i woke up 30 minutes after i was supposed to be there. i called my boss, already en route and she said not to bother coming in..i said timidly and almost i still have a job? flatly she replied no...the had to spend the rest of the day with family (with whom i had already made plans) and proceded to lie to them all about my day at work and my plans to find a new job "not enough hours"...i needed to get something new anyway, and maybe this will free me to really go to school, working only to pay the bills...i'm completely letting go.
the funny (and rather cruel) thing was, on tuesday i was supposed to have a shift, boss called, reminded me of my shift and asked me to "come in a half hour early". i called her back, she said she just wanted to talk, i asked if i should come in my uniform (thinking i would maybe work afterword?) she said yes...i raced to get there on time..oh no!! construction traffic!! i was only a couple of exits away!!! what was i to do? call her and tell her i was stuck in traffic and i was going to be a few minutes late?!!! got to my work just as the meeting was supposed to parking anywhere on the street..or the other street...looked in my wallet, no money for the paid lot..shit!!! begged some guy at the state lot to park, almost in tears that i had just been fired and that i was going to try and make ammends with my boss; he very nicely let me park...get into the office, all dressed and ready to go, clean uniform and an ironed apron..panting i composed myself before i entered the office...stepped in, boss on the phone in a pleasant mannor...opened the door all the way to see the HR person from corporate with an uncomfortable look on her face and a packet of papers in her hand...boss off the phone enters conversation and jokes are tossed around the far so good...the meeting begins..."evereffervescent," the HR gal recites, "we're here today to terminate your employment." ooo, right in the solar plexis. then why was i dressed to work??
Damn,sorry to hear about losing the job. You can have my job if you want it. Maybe this is a good thing if it puts you in classes. She should have told you that you really didn't need to come in and save you the time and gas on your car. I hope they paid you for that day you came in. How this 4th of July going for you