thanks to all for loving support, god knows i need it about now. the problem with me is that when I get especially stressed and things become overwhelming, i go into denial phase. Like I'm working one day next week and like 3 this week, instead of going to look for a new job next week, I think I'll go to the beach with my mom...need to work, no real desire to. paid my rent up til august so i'm good there, need to pay off my parking tickets though, real bad...all other bills should be okay...but we'll see! Trying to work on stuff with my boyfriend/exboyfriend, whatever you want to call him. I call him 'Muffin'. I love him a hell of a lot, but we're really in different places, trying to move parallel together through life, intersecting every now and again with kisses...miss him a lot. Getting the strength to break ties with old "flames" (super quotation marks around that!!) getting my wording right. Can't wait to use 'em! (the words that is) Wish me luck!!!
Hugs and Kisses,
Hugs and Kisses,