so I finally heard back from school...i think i'm in!!!!! i couldn't believe it, and still really don't, not until i hold in my hand the official letter from admissions. I got a packet in the mail the other day from the health dept at school saying that they need my medical records and extending their congratulations to me!!! I started crying in the post office i was so happy and overwhelmed with hope. this is my last chance for school. if i don't get it right this time, i'm fucked. my birthday's coming up soon. this summer's already flying by I can't believe it!!! Tomorrow I go to puppy sit for my sister up in mass for 4 days. my job sucks big time, no hours at all!!. I'm actually thinking of being a server at like kahoots (a local slightly higher class pub/tittie bar ["lunch with a view"]) heard i could make big bucks there and still keep my clothes on!!! hell it's a little better than hooters! finally got ac in my apartment, just in time for the cooler weather to set in! i've got so many appointments to make and things to do in the next week, which is especially insane because i'm out of state. My daddy and I go to the red sox game next week, I've volunteered to drive which means i've got to clean out my car. AAAHHHAHAHAHAAAHHH!!! ::queen's i'm going slightly mad plays in her head:: i've started reading "alice's adventures through the looking glass" after i finished alice in wonderland..figured i'll start slowly back into reading for school with a large text book with color pictures!

Congrat's girl!!! Hope you to go to that school. You should have used me as referance to get in to that school