so i banged up the work van the other day right in front of the vp of my company...i hit a chain link fence least it wasn't an unmarked police car...the fire alarm went off in the theatre the other day, had to evacuate my one moved or even looked up when the alarm went off. when i insisted that they evacuate the building, theybecame irate..gotta love people. sent in my app for school, started to apply for financial aid, got a credit card!!!! it even came with the key chain model!! i get aspirated monday, at least i hope it's just aspiration, nothing more invasive. we'll see. time for bed, my eyes have been closing for the past 5 hours..probably had only 12 hours of sleep for the week..since sunday. had a nice conversation with an exboyfriend (god only knows why he contacted me, i was an incredible bitch and we ended on not very good terms) we're going mini golfing to patch things up. very strange..he was the proverbial girl/boy scout..i wanted to be a bad girl..didn't match say the least. rather pouty though; didn't get the crazy raunchy d/s yumminess that i really wanted..although i really couldn't have everything i wanted..not yet at least..time for bed now..kisses to all

I would have got out of the car and yelled "hey,did you see that fence jump out right in front of me..damn fence
"' I'm sure that would have gotten you out of trouble at work