well happy new year to all. update on kitty..i have a new kitty, his name is bentley and he's beautiful. i got the best christmas present ever!! not only did i get bentley at thanksiving, but i got the darth vader replica light saber, absolutely fanastic!! work has been really demanding, took a second job over the holidays at night, monday thru friday working 8-9:30 at a computer..misery, absolute misery. the funny thing was what i was doing, working for a mental health and addiction service thing for the state, doing data entry for drug addicts for things like methadone maintenance and case management. pretty hilarious and rather ironic, considering like 8 years ago i was in rehab...i got a kick out of it. things are rolling along in my world. i'm starting going to the gym again, starting tomorrow. had to take a month off from it since i had that second job. right now, hanging out with my abies, article and bentley watching sex in the city. we decided that if i ever get pregnant he has to wear those empathy belts when we go shopping just for the ultimate humiliation and my general amusement... a big god forbid on the whole bun in the oven thing, ala mommy dearest, i'm too vain to be pregnant...anyway, don't know where all that came from...hopefully it's not some internal revelation...
Have a Great week