well happy new year to all. update on kitty..i have a new kitty, his name is bentley and he's beautiful. i got the best christmas present ever!! not only did i get bentley at thanksiving, but i got the darth vader replica light saber, absolutely fanastic!! work has been really demanding, took a second job over the holidays at night, monday thru friday working 8-9:30...
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wishing everyone a lovely holiday..mine went nicely until friday morning. i should've just stayed in bed..it's interesting that i'mcomingoutof my submissive shell with my family. usually i'd just sit quietly and take their insults and jabs, but not this year. frankly i'm getting too old for that shit. a few months back my mother and i had a bit of a falling out. during my...
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How you feeling lately? Better???

I wanted to wish you, your family and friends a very Happy Holiday season.

guess who's got a real full timejob...go ahead,guess. nope, it's not paris hilton...it's me!!! ::squeals with delight:: Monday is my first official day. benefits, paid holidays..the works! fan freakin tastic! on a sad note my kitty ran away
::extreme pout::

how'd you know what I was for halloween!!! really that's just uncanny! I actually had Labor Day off this year...I couldn't believe it. last year I was working at starbucks on thanksgiving day...this year I get out the day before at 1 thanksgiving off and the day after off too!! who'd've thunk it!! my honey put up posters of Pandora kitty all around town, we had the help of all the kids when we offered a reward..unfortunatly there were a lot of hope raisiedng/smashing false alarms. Apparently there are 2 other kitties in the neighorhood that look just like her. I was a wreck that night I found she wasn't home. i walked up and down the street calling for her carrying her food dish with tears in my eyes, asking anyone on the street if they'd seen a black kitty. i chased leads, none proved to be her. One opportunistic ass hole actually asked for my number, I was practically in tears when I approachdd a couple of guys sitting in front of a store, they both said no that they hadn't seen any cats. then one turned and asked for my number. my first reaction was to laugh a sarcastic annoyed laugh, but then I thought of my sweet little kitty and put aside my personal safety and gave my number. Then he asked if I was married! talk about left field..I said no, that I live with my boyfriend and that I was very concerned about my kitty. I couldn't believe his brazeness, in my personal trauma to take the time to get my number. Needless to say he's never attempted to call. some people you know?
I so sorry...wish you the best.

back from vacation, had a lovely time on cruise. pseudo competed in a sort of survivor karaoke thing. got in singing 'crazy' by patsy kline, voted out by singing 'the saga begins' by weird al yankovik..it's a star wars episode one themed song to the tune of american pie. They ended up playing I don't know, I guess a sort of live version of the...
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Just wanted to wish you a wonderful weekend.

i want a world shift
please check my thread in your regional group and see if you can find it in your heart to help me?
please check my thread in your regional group and see if you can find it in your heart to help me?
hope and desperation, writings on the wall..sex and my habitions, tearing at my soul...can i be forgiven, for what i've done to you..will we be forever, i really have no clue..

Happy Birthday

Hey hun! I just wanted to wish you happy belated birthday!!!

so many things coming up in a hurry...my cruise to the bahamas is the day after my birthday (wo-hoo!) my honey moves out of his place soon...both things require lots of shopping on my part...i need to get a haircut, my eyebrows done, buy some sexy unmentionables, get contacts, renew my license, get my emissions checked, work, plan a birthday extravaganza for my sweetie (a...
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If he's coming back for second's that got to tell you that you must be one wild cat in bed.
Guy's don't come back unless it's great

Good God man...Try to keep it a little less obvious....hilarious...

well i think i'm down to 5 lives..or is it 6 now?? either way this little kitty is down one, but i'm till here. just call me timex. my mommy's been on vacation...without me...and so my dad's been by himself. we've had a nice time together, had a few beers and the like. the other night he's all like "help yourself!" famous last words. i...
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Well I'm still alive!!! Isn't that awesome!!!??? I've made it over a week, surviving the most horrific week of my exhistance. Frankly I'm surprised, really surprised. i set off fireworks for the 4th..the illegal kinds, until my father freaked out that we were going to get caught..for god sakes, my parents live 10 minutes by car to the center of town!! not to mention there...
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to top off my perfect past few weeks, i was fired from my job today. i over slept, my alarm never went off and i woke up 30 minutes after i was supposed to be there. i called my boss, already en route and she said not to bother coming in..i said timidly and almost jokingly..do i still have a job? flatly she replied no...the...
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the funny (and rather cruel) thing was, on tuesday i was supposed to have a shift, boss called, reminded me of my shift and asked me to "come in a half hour early". i called her back, she said she just wanted to talk, i asked if i should come in my uniform (thinking i would maybe work afterword?) she said yes...i raced to get there on time..oh no!! construction traffic!! i was only a couple of exits away!!! what was i to do? call her and tell her i was stuck in traffic and i was going to be a few minutes late?!!! got to my work just as the meeting was supposed to begin..no parking anywhere on the street..or the other street...looked in my wallet, no money for the paid lot..shit!!! begged some guy at the state lot to park, almost in tears that i had just been fired and that i was going to try and make ammends with my boss; he very nicely let me park...get into the office, all dressed and ready to go, clean uniform and an ironed apron..panting i composed myself before i entered the office...stepped in, boss on the phone in a pleasant mannor...opened the door all the way to see the HR person from corporate with an uncomfortable look on her face and a packet of papers in her hand...boss off the phone enters conversation and jokes are tossed around the room..so far so good...the meeting begins..."evereffervescent," the HR gal recites, "we're here today to terminate your employment." ooo, right in the solar plexis. then why was i dressed to work??
Damn,sorry to hear about losing the job. You can have my job if you want it. Maybe this is a good thing if it puts you in classes. She should have told you that you really didn't need to come in and save you the time and gas on your car. I hope they paid you for that day you came in. How this 4th of July going for you
thanks to all for loving support, god knows i need it about now. the problem with me is that when I get especially stressed and things become overwhelming, i go into denial phase. Like I'm working one day next week and like 3 this week, instead of going to look for a new job next week, I think I'll go to the beach with my...
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An Essay In Brief
f**king school...got screwed big time..and not in a good way. my god damn gpa is too low. why did i ever take those stupid courses at that community college...work cancelled hours on me for thursday, but i have to go in to place an order anyway..even though i'm out of state watching my sister's new puppy....
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f**king school...got screwed big time..and not in a good way. my god damn gpa is too low. why did i ever take those stupid courses at that community college...work cancelled hours on me for thursday, but i have to go in to place an order anyway..even though i'm out of state watching my sister's new puppy....
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Let's take a vacation to Thailand ...you need it

Graphic Design huh? That's very cool. Where are you thinking of going? A lot of my friends are graphic designers, and could maybe help on the search for an amazing school. Just, you know, if you need it...

so I finally heard back from school...i think i'm in!!!!! i couldn't believe it, and still really don't, not until i hold in my hand the official letter from admissions. I got a packet in the mail the other day from the health dept at school saying that they need my medical records and extending their congratulations to me!!! I started crying in the post...
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Congrat's girl!!! Hope you to go to that school. You should have used me as referance to get in to that school

Have a Great week