My job is trying to make me quit since I went on Short term disability after my surgery. It is quite funny.... before I left I was the ideal employee. Now apparently everything I do is wrong. I got a write up the other day for something they say apparently happen about 3 months ago. I didn't do it. Other various things, but the most recent is this... I get paid every other Friday. Last friday I didn't get a check. After a lot of complaining on my part as to why I have not recieved a check they tell me it was an accident and that somehow they just didn't write a check for me. They assured me that I would have it by monday. Monday came no check...tuesday, wednesday, thursday, and today is friday again, one week later and still no check. They tell me it is somewhere in Ohio.... Yes, my check is in Ohio... It will be here Monday they tell me. I have no money and I have bills to pay. I am coming to a job everyday that I am apparently not getting paid for. I still have not found another job despite my efforts, about 75 resume's sent out so far, many many applications filled out. I feel like such a loser. I hate my job, I hate the people I work for and I want my fucking check.....
you will get another job and when you do i hope you tell all of the fuckers you work for to shove it up their ass.
i miss you.