Just had one of those moments of heartache. My best friend Jennie has a journal. She writes in it every couple days or so. Talks about whats happening in her life, her family, her friends, just stuff like that. I'm not in it. She has been writing since January. My name did appear once in context to something else. No other mention. Nothing. Wow. Perhaps I am being stupid or immature but it hurt. She only recently told me she had a journal online. I noticed I never was mentioned and began to look back over past entries. Nothing. Yes, I am upset and even a little bit angry with her, but mostly i am sad about myself. What does that say about me? What does it say that my best friend doesn't think enough of me to even mention me. Its not that she doesn't write about her friends. She writes about her other friends, and alot I might add. What more is there to say? Nothing.
I'm doing okay, and you darling?
Hello & howdy! Buck up!