Days go bye when I am happy, life is good and I laugh, and then slowly the death begins to creep into my mind. I begin to die on the inside, but rather than fight death, I welcome it. I invite it into my mind with a desire to go deeper and deeper into my own darkness. It smells so sweet to me and feels as if I am returning home to where I belong. This is the real me, not that happy person. Why do you take so long to overcome me? Why must I wait for your arms to envelop me until I lie in my bed crying for mercy and the thoughts of my own demise permeate my existence? Shall I suffer longer in these days of limbo? Still, a whisper tells me to survive. It tells me to reject deaths arms and return to the world of light. The light hurts my eyes
Kinda feel like shit today. In just about every way. Why?
Kinda feel like shit today. In just about every way. Why?

made my feet hurt a bit.
not too bad...really not too bad.