I've been meaning to write a blog for a while now. I've been a combination of lazy and kinda sad. No real reason for it. Just sad with a heavy heart.
Although, today is the birthday of my friend who passed away ten years ago this November. It's crazy looking back at those times. I knew this girl from the beginning of kindergarden. It was heartbreaking to hear. I still remember the day after her accident how I got on the bus and she wasn't there and I was 'mad' at her... Than I later find out... Than a day or two later, I heard they pulled her off life support.
So I'll stop being sad, because she is loved and forever remembered and she saved lives when she lost hers.
Now on to homework! And there are several I could do because I'm out of the loop.... But I'll describe my perfect day! Reading everyone's perfect day is so neat. It makes you realize you're really not all that different from others.

My perfect day would begin by waking up next to a loved one, whether it's a friend or significant other. Which I don't have a significant other, so friend for now. We'd make coffee and some breakfast. We'd also do a little wake and bake because... Who doesn't love smoking than enjoying coffee and breakfast foods. Itd also be a nice, warm, sunny day, so we could sit in the window and enjoy the morning. Much like a cat, ahahaha... I must embrace my inner cat lady, of course. After a nice morning, we'd get ready for a beach day. Bring healthy snacks and maybe some booze.... Because booze. And water too. I'd get to enjoy the ride to the beach for once. Sitting in the passenger seat and picking some music. We'd get to the beach and it'd be practically void of people. Except maybe a few. And we'd spend hours laying around enjoying the beauty that is the beach and the sounds. Play in the water when we get to hot, and just have fun. After we had our fill, we'd make our way to get some real food. And more booze. We'd than make our way home to clean up. And relax some more. Maybe nap. Watch a movie and cuddle.
I think that sums up my perfect day. And really I wouldn't necessarily need someone else to be there to have this day, I could go solo.
Well that's enough homework for now! And just in case y'all don't know, my debut set "Lounge" comes out in a short 2 weeks and 2 days! It still boggles my mind that it's really happening. Be sure to check it out! For the first month that my set is out, I'll be giving away prints to the people who show me some love and support! And if/when I make front page, I'll do an additional giveaway!
Stay tuned folks! <3